Just Burned 1st Items since Restarting!

Restarted in November, and I just burned my first item this time. I’m feeling really good about it.

It’s also my first time getting to level nine, so hurray!


EDIT: Why does it show level eight on the forum? Weird.


Are the forum levels one level behind our WK levels? Because I am level 7.

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You have to log out and back in if you want your new level to show up right away.


Congrats! I started for the first time in January, still haven’t any burns though :stuck_out_tongue: 400+ enlighteneds though, the burns will come someday :smile:

I’m a level behind in the forums too. It’s been said elsewhere that if you log out and log back in, it gets right, but for me that didn’t work :man_shrugging:

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Sitting at Around 2000 enlightened and finally starting to burn every couple days again. I know at this point if I lose focus I will get buried in under a week. Must. Keep. Running.

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Congrats! Hoping to get there someday soon!

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It worked for me. I had to sign out on the community settings icon, not the main wanikani one. I signed in back and another sign in button appeared on the top bar of the community forums. I clicked on it and I was done.


Yes, takes about 6 months for burns to start coming in. I reset end of January, restarted early February, my burns will come in in July!

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