JLPT N5 Requirments

Hi, I’ve been learning some grammar on the side with help from Lingual Ninja, Tofugu and Youtube, I was just wondering how many levels of wani kani I need to complete to equate to the JLPT N5?
It sounds like I need to know 800vocab and 100Kanji?
That being said I’m comfortable with Hiragana and Katakana.


According to wkstats, you’ll know all the N5 kanji by level 16. But you’ll also already know more than 80% at level 6. As for vocab, you’re probably best looking at JLPT N5 Vocabulary List – JLPTsensei.com.

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I think you’d need to be in the ballpark of level 16 on WaniKani to recognize all the kanji, as @RebBlue pointed out. However, you’ll also learn a lot of characters that probably won’t be on the exam if you do this through WaniKani. (I’m currently in the ballpark of 300 kanji at the level of Guru or higher.)

I looked at the official sample questions and the kanji I didn’t recognize—I’m currently level 9—were 読 (read, level 10) and 着 (wear/arrive, level 12). I’ll note that most of the words are written with kana and there are only a few kanji in the practice questions. Each character also has furigana, so I think it might make more sense to spend time studying vocabulary if N5 is your goal.


I passed the JLPT N4 without really delving deep into kanji.
If I had to make an estimation I would guess my WK level then would have been around LVL8.

JLPT N5 is really just a check if you know your Kana and some basic Kanji. On LVL6 or 7 you should pass with flying colours.