Does anyone know of a manga library for Japanese manga pdf (free)? I’m not proficient enough to search for one in japanese (I’ve tried my best) and english only results in english mangas.
I’m looking for easy japanese reading that i can and want to read in the everyday.
I’m not sure what you consider easy. Bookwalker has many volumes of manga for free at any given moment, the official website for JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure has the first chapter of every volume for free, and I’m sure many other publishers also offer free manga.
What are you interested in reading?
I haven’t read a manga in japanese yet so i dont know what difficulty but something like pokemon with lots of volumes that i can immerse myself into for a long time.
You can try this まんがひみつ文庫 | まんがでよくわかるシリーズ | 学研キッズネット
While it’s usually just the first few chapters that are free, Pixiv has free stuff for days.
This can sometimes be harder to find in native stuff, since even young native kids inherently know a lot of grammar already. Extra hard if funds are tight, leaving you unable to buy material aimed at language learners at this time.
The Beginner Book Club is also going through a story book, and most of it is available for free. Since it has a book club, people will be asking question and having discussions about the content, so if you have questions, you can pose them there, or they may have already been covered.
Not free, but has been getting some recommendations is:
For profit reasons, you’re probably not going to legally find chapter after chapter/volume after volume of the same work. They want you to pay for it after all, so usually only the first chapter or first couple of chapters is available for free.
You might have better luck on Pixiv, which is a Japanese art-sharing website. Several manga have gotten their starts there. Users post their own work and sometimes it gets picked up for publication. There might be other places where people post their long-running webcomics for free, but many artists are moving to a paying host it seems.
Would definitely second book clubs, but perhaps the Absolute Beginner Book Clubs would be a better place to start. The story book we’re going through in the Beginner Book Club is great, but a little challenging writing style wise. @NicoleIsEnough could probably provide more feedback .
Probably start with manga on Twitter there are a lot of good stuff. However, due to Twitter limitation which allow the artist to post only 4 pictures per tweet. The difficulty might be a bit high because the mangaka need to make a unique and concise story telling.
Ishiyumi sensie is my favourite.
This one is a romcom about office workers. It’s getting anime adaptation soon.
I also recomend this one. If you are a cat person.
お兄ちゃんはおしまい got its start there, and I think the mangaka still posts every chapter there even though there are volumes you can buy now. I buy them to support the mangaka and since they include bonus mini chapters, but the regular chapters can still be read for free on Pixiv. The manga is a comedy and is pretty simple.
First chapter:
Chapter list:
It’s not PDF, but try
Some Japanese publishers put their manga there for free, 100% legal
It’s not pdf, but you can read a lot of free manga here ツイ4 | 最前線
I had a lot of fun reading this one: 『トモちゃんは女の子!』柳田史太 | ツイ4 | 最前線
Thank you!! I started over WaniKani recently after pausing my studying when I hit level 60 a couple years ago, and after coming back I realized I can read manga now I didn’t even know I had reached this point
But now I’ve realized the hardest part is actually finding websites and apps that HAVE Japanese language manga
I was 45 chapters into reading Naruto when the website I use got taken down
The best part about that series is that it recently received an anime adaptation too. Definitely recommend it.
It’s funny that your original comment recommending it was before it even got an anime adaptation. I saw that, and even though I haven’t tried the anime yet (although I’ve seen it being promoted), I started reading the manga now and it’s hilarious.