Childrens book pdfs

Does anyone know where to find/have any (free) children’s books in pdf that I can start reading? i remember finding some months ago but I lost the link…


Not sure if this is what you were talking about, but


The only ones for native children I have bookmarked are :


The Beginner Book Club is currently reading a collection of children’s stories which is also freely available on the web. Plus you can read with others, ask questions about grammar and chat about the contents. We just started the third story yesterday, so you can hop straight in if you like:


(this is a copy paste of a comment I wrote yesterday in an other thread. Sorry for the laziness)

Here is my most extensive list of graded readers :

I am personally working on a project that aims to provide content to read to absolute beginners. It is here :
There are about 60 stories but only the first 27 have been proofread by a native speaker. As written somewhere else on this forum, throughout the stories :

Words are introduced using Emojis and others are derived from the context by the reader. They are then repeated as often as possible to act like a natural SRS. The idea is that if you keep reading, you assimilate easy words and learn new ones on the way without having to stop to check the meaning of a word in a dictionary.

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Thanks a lot!
Just what i was looking for.

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