Japanese grammar cd

So I’m looking for some advice on a decent set of cd’s that focus on grammar.

Having looked around a bit it’s difficult to know what might be good and what might not be.

I am slowly building up my vocab through Wanikani but my understanding of grammar isn’t great so I want something that I can listen to in my car. Maybe a series starting from the basics, has a combination of detailed explanations and then example sentences etc.

Can anybody recommend anything?

Thanks :grin:

look up “michel thomas”.
great series.


Awesome, thank you.

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Also the listening app from minna no nihongo (in google play store, not in the apple app store, at least in my region) No grammar explained, but listening practice starting from the bottom.

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Great, I will check out both of these.

I realised the other day that I spend and hour a day in my car so I may as well but using this time to study Japanese.

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