Is it Standard or Standard?

I kinda hate it when WaniKani does this to me.

These sorts of pairs where the meaning word is the same, spaced close together as in the same level, almost always end up muddled together in my head.

Is this just me? These are almost always bound to be turned into leeches.

Perhaps there’s a subtle difference in meaning, but I wish WK would space them out so you can solidify one, and then in the second maybe reference the first with a little blurb about how they are different.

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規 is a standard in the sense of a model, rule, or regulation.

準 comes from measuring water level. So it’s a standard in the sense of a threshold that something can surpass, or fail to reach.



準: Your standards are too high.
規: The standard response to, “Japanese is too hard.” is “Yes, it is.”

Would that capture it?

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It’s hard to say “yes” because they do overlap, and I’ve never thought about that kind of framing before.

It’s probably more helpful to think about them in the sense of the words they appear in, so maybe that would be a good idea to dig into.


One seems to be “professional” standard the other seems to be “general” standard.

Seems tricky though, I’m not looking forward to it :smiley: .




Thanks @Leebo. I think this is why I’d find it helpful to space them out, getting a few vocabulary words and context sentences into the mix.

Looking at I can predict that WaniKani is going to give me both 基準 and 標準 in short order which might be why they chose “standard” but I think I’d rather that WK focus on the “semi-” definition as used here 準決勝. It is after all the primary definition gives.

Edited: After writing the above, I went and looked at the vocabulary words for 準 and I was right, but there are no vocabulary words that express the meaning that seems to commonly ascribe to this character. I find that very strange. Is there a method to Tofugu’s madness here?


You can think 規 as metric instead of standard. It’s literally in the word for ruler 定規 I see wanikani teaches 定 as determine, so ruler would be “determinant metric”


If you look at the list of words that Jisho has for 準, that’s really the only one that makes sense with “semi-“ so I don’t see why they would want to concentrate on a meaning only used in the one word.

Keep in mind that the meaning list isn’t in priority order, so it’s just happenstance that -semi is listed first.


For a moment I thought that when I learned it, 準 had “semi-” as its primary meaning on WK. Perhaps it was changed in one of the content overhauls?

No, it turns out that I confused it with 准 “semi” :sweat_smile:


Not to be confused with 蝉


Not to be confused with ゼミ.

There is 漢検準一級, and today I learnt there is the same thing for 英検(ei ken) as well.

It might depend on how you search, because I found two on the first page, or more.


Aye, I stand corrected. There are possibly 3 or more words with the semi- meaning.

I still think the point stands that it’s way less prevalent than the “standard” meaning. (Pun intended :wink:)

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“Do you love iced turkey? :yum:
“Not really…I would say I semi-like it. I wouldn’t eat it unless I have to.”
“Well, a new law will be ratified (批准) in June (じゅん). It will force everyone to eat iced turkey.”
(That’s my mnemonic :smile:)



WK level: 1
Mnemonic-creating level: 9000


Even after looking up, I still get confused with 準 (in that sense). It might be better to use vocabularies as a cutting point. (And 批准, as well as “ratification” too). and it’s ② ゆるす。「准許」「批准」 - 許せん!

Perhaps I’ll use 准看護師 or 准教授 instead.

And, yeah

  • もと「準」の俗字。
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