Interested in joining a Genki 1 study group?

I’m going to start grammar seriously, and I was wondering if anyone else is also in the same shoes (just starting Genki 1) and wouldn’t mind joining me?

I think we would do a Discord group. We could meet once a week on Saturdays (that’s when I’m mostly free :sweat_smile::joy:) and do one chapter per week (or longer, depending how hard they are…). We could also get into the voice channel and take turns reading and doing the exercises together.

Anyways, I thought it would be nice to have some other people to do the book with to keep me motivated and going :smile:


I’m already running one on discord and we could maybe do with some more people, if you care to join. We do pretty much the same things as you listed here and we do (usually) meet on Saturdays.

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Actually sounds like a good idea, I even would like to try but not sure if I’m able to meet every Saturday due to my studies in uni

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Ohh, that’s great!! I didn’t know there was one already! Are you guys just starting Genki then? Or are you already some chapters through?

@BDRabbit a fellow Uni student :smile::wave:t2: I’m also extremely busy, but I’m being extra careful at managing my studies with everything else; basically I’m making all my Saturdays ‘free’ where I can focus on Japanese (whilst the rest of the week is all about Uni :dizzy_face:).

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Some of us just finished or about to finish chapter 2, but there’s no rush.

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Ok, that’s pretty good! I checked the first few chapters, and I already kind of know the topics in them, so I’m pretty sure I can just go over them quickly and I can catch up with the rest of you :smile:

I would love to join! Could I have the Discord link :relaxed:

Sure, sorry forgot to add it in my last reply. Here you go: Discord


No worries, and thank you very much! :hugs:

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