In the 77th episode of One Piece at the 2:20 minute mark, one of the characters (Sanji) uses a word that I simply can’t find anywhere. Maybe I’m just misspelling it or maybe it’s some kind of slang but I’d really like to look it up in a dictionary and add it to my HouHou library.
The word sounds like まいたせ and the subtitles translate it as “Damn”.
I’ve tried different spellings like maybe まいたぜ or まいたせい and I also tried to search for “damn” but couldn’t find the word I’m looking for.
I don’t know if I’m allowed to link to streaming sites, so I can’t post the episode on here.
looking up まいった gives me ‘I’m beaten’ or ‘I’ve given up’. And I’m assuming that the ぜ/せ might be some slangish ending. I’m guessing this is probably it
まったせ was also one of the candidates I tried but according to Jisho it doesn’t mean “damn”.
Then again it might also be a translation mistake with the anime itself.
I’ve uploaded the short part to YouTube, are you sure it’s しまったぜ? I don’t hear the し in the beginning at all, though it might be an accent or something.
I hear まあ、いったぜ but I have no idea what the いった is supposed to be. The まあ is definitely a long one. I feel like the entire まあ、いったぜ means ‘well, whatever’, but I might be wrong.