I need help with some sentences

Hi guys! I made some sentences to practice sentence structure and other stuff, if someone could help me with corrections I would appreciate it very much.
Here are the sentences:

In the morning, Tanjiro went from Kyoto to Tokyo by train.


Granny was washing clothes in the river with her sister.


I was alone at my house. I was eating cold ramen.



I wonder if 自分の妹 would be appropriate here?

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like this?

Seems weird.

The second 私 feels redundant.
And isn’t it supposed to be Jisho.org: Japanese Dictionary for things, and 寒い for weather?
I’m unsure about this myself.

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(…My mouse is broken so I can quote properly.)

I don’t think that 私の is really needed. Also, it should be に after. Like this: 私は家に一人でいる。:slight_smile:

Disclaimer: I’m terrible at grammar. Wait for smarter people to confirm or deny anything I say. :wink:

I wonder if it is a case to use と一緒に

I don’t think 私の家 is necessary. Since you already established yourself as the topic, it is logical to assume you mean your house.

Would 京都から東京まで be appropriate here?

Would it be 冷たい? I know for drinks it’s 冷たい :snowflake:


I was thinking that, the whole から~まで thing, but 京都から東京まで行きました。 feels different from 京都から東京に行きました。
Like you’re making emphasis on Kyoto to Tokyo being a long trip, from Kyoto all the way to Tokyo.
Instead of just, from Kyoto to Tokyo.

Are you confirming or asking? xD I did mention 冷たい. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Ah, sorry! My eyes must have skipped over that sentence—I didn’t see it, I’ll read more carefully next time :sweat_smile: But yes, I’m confirming then!

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に because I use いる?

It’s true that I don’t see readily see a sentence akin to this one on the から~まで search.

Not that I looked through all 15 pages of examples, but I’m going to say: clearly I still know nothing. :joy:

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Also 服を洗濯する has an image of a washing machine (洗濯機 even the kanji are similar). As your sentence uses a river 服を洗う is better here.



Yes, that is right :slight_smile:

Oh I used that verb because in the story of Momotaro, it says: おばあさんが川でせんたくをしている

Oh yeah! Defiantly both can be used. I was just going by the information on forums. This example sentence is the same -「洗濯」の意味や使い方 わかりやすく解説 Weblio辞書

How would you clarify that it’s the grandmother’s sister and not yours? Without being redundant and saying おばあさん twice that is. Maybe it’s implied since the grandmother is the topic.

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Yeah, maybe like:

In Japanese, you don’t always need to specify what their relationship was. The most common scenario is assumed. So if you’re saying “おばあさんと妹” it would be assumed to be hers. If it was your younger sister you would say so, or you would write “the granny and the granddaughter”

Japanese in general uses posessives a lot less than we do in English. Like if for example if you’re talking about your younger sister, you can start a sentence with “妹が…” rather than “私の妹”. The listener would infer that it’s your younger sister.