I finished WaniKani - with a sprint to the finish line!

I just about drove myself to the brink of my sanity getting through the last 13 levels at a pace of 3.5(ish) days per level.

I’ve been playing Persona 3 Portable for the last week or so completely in Japanese and having a great time. Of course I don’t fully pick up everything and there’s still some Kanji I don’t know, but it feels great to be able to study, review and play video games at the same time.

If you have any questions about speed running WaniKani, learning Kanji through WK in Japan, etc, please ask! I’m an open book.


Congratulations. Looking forward to your kind of literacy.


My goal was to get to a minimally passable level of literacy. Now that I’m here, I’m hoping that immersion and practice practice practice with video games, Japanese broadcast TV and movies will help me organically improve my competency over time.

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Congrats, well done! :smiley: Welcome to the club!

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