I lost my drive to do WaniKani about a month ago and the reviews stacked up until 900. It took me two days to finish everything and had to pause here and there cause even if I remembee the reading, I can’t freaking remember the meaning of the kanji! This also happened the other way around. I wanted to laze around again but I figured that I’d be wasting another 10 bucks if I didn’t do anything this month.
On that note, I’d just like to say that I could’ve handled it better if I leveled the reviews to a couple of days as for better retenetion and weight, but I simply wanted to see that clean dasboard again.
You’re so strong!
I just zeroed my reviews from only around 70-150 and it took around 2-3 days.
I think I needed two weeks to zero my reviews from 550.
Gee, thanks! I literally had to sit in front of the computer for at least six hours just so I could clean the dashboard. And when I did, Lessons piled up and so that’s another stack
Yes, I’m trying my best to keep my pace at one level per week since that’s how I usually do it before. But for now I’ll think of making my pace a lighter load so I won’t get sick of the staggering reviews when they pile up.
Wow well done!! I just reset to level 1 from 17 because I couldn’t face 900 reviews, I’d been trying to chip away for a few weeks and failing miserably… Hopefully it won’t take too long to work my way back