Hunter × Hunter 🐸 (Absolute Beginner Book Club) - Starting on the 27th of August

It’s possible to have more than one lines of Furigana. I think I have seen in one more series after this.


Most often, for series with Furigana, Kana reading Furigana can be replaced with double meaning or emphasis dots, removing reading guide altogether.


Let’s put even more kanji there for a sort of “what if I’m right but what if I’m not but what if I am I definitely am not” feeling


Added in the grammar sheet that was talked about in the ABBC main thread, do check it out if you feel like you need help while reading or you want to contribute


Wow I can see that somebody has already started filling the vocab sheet! I was looking at it now because I had an idea.
As I am a bit of a nerd that loves stats, I was thinking that it could be interesting to write down in a new column at which level the kanji or vocab is learned in WK, and then later I could make a graph from the data?
Curious to know what you guys think of that idea


OMG yes!!! That would be so awesome!
I love looking at stats so that would be amazing <3
(Especially because when there’s furigana I always default to reading THAT and forget I’m supposed to already know the kanji/vocab :see_no_evil: )


Haha me too for the furigana, and I had told myself that I would try to ignore it, but now since others have revealed that sometimes there are jokes hidden in them, I will have to read them all anyways X)


Yeah, I did, mentioned this in the ABBC thread, but not here. Wanted to test drive the grammar sheet to see what immediate issues there are with it.

Went ahead and added the column as a test, though I wouldn’t expect it to be filled in diligentlly. Adding words can already be a hassle in and of itself, so looking up wk levels might be the last straw for some people.


Might be worth tagging @ChristopherFritz here. Would you happen to have some formula already written that could pull from WK levels to auto-fill that column with the level at which the kanji shows up in WK (with a N/A or blank for those which are not on WK)? I know you have a lot of data tracking stuff going on, so figured I’d check with you before I spend time rebuilding something that already exists. If not, no worries, maybe if I get some time, I can put something together (work has been a bit busier lately, so it would likely not be up and running until 2nd or 3rd week of the club if I can get the opportunity to work on it).

You may find inspiration in this:

Make a copy and unhide the hidden columns to see how it’s put together. It can be condensed into one formula.

This is based on school grade level rather than WaniKani level, but you can see how I’m picking out the kanji, and how I’m finding the highest level kanji. You can easily replace the lookup table from grade levels to WaniKani levels.

Edit: I just realized I had a separate column of “kanji only” using a find/replace that you won’t have access to in formulas only. But the method words even if the source vocabulary word has kana in it. You just need the formula to look through enough letters to cover the longest word (right-most position as a kanji) you expect to have.

I have WaniKani levels in a tab over here:

It’s a little outdated, but it should be fine if there haven’t been any kanji added or level-shifted in WaniKani in the past several months.

Edit 2: This would of course only be for telling which WK level one should already know the kanji in a word by. It doesn’t tell whether the actual vocabulary word was taught by WaniKani.


my copy came in the mail today!! excited to get started :smiley:


Excellent, having a backbone to work off of will save me quite a bit of time, and I will try to have something functional up for this sheet by Sunday!

Thank you, Chris. It is much appreciated!

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Oops, I was wrong.

If you want to pull just the kanji from a word:

=IFNA(REGEXEXTRACT("食べる", "[一-龯]*"),"")

Input to output:

食べる :arrow_right:


Awesome, thanks! And thanks @ChristopherFritz !
I noticed that for the first vocabulary word, Rare Beast, in WK it doesn’t exist as such but Rare and Beast both are in WK, how do you think it’s best to deal with that? Comma separated in the same column, extra columns, extra lines?


Can’t reply to multiple people, but wanted to ask something similar. How should vocab level and separate kanji level be dealt with? Separate columns? Having the levels the kanji appear at is sometimes not very helpful, as that might mean that you’ve seen the kanji, but don’t recognize the reading and especially don’t recognize the meaning as a whole.

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Yes true there is that aspect too. I think it could be solved by simply making a list of links to WK, comma separated, so there is no limit:
So for example 珍獣 →珍,珍,獣,獣 (2 kanjis and 2 vocabs), and there could be a column with the levels next to it (here → 26,43).
Maybe not the best for human readability but would work for extracting the data and using it for something else…

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That’s a bit much in my opinion, at that point you could as well just take the whole sheet and query all the data including wk levels with a script.

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Yeah, I’m also thinking that the best solution is simply a different sheet with Kanji? Because I don’t know if it makes sense to put every single kanji in for the readers, like people probably know what 三 or 先生 is, but I’d love to write down that there are present and how many times for the sake of statistics

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I’d suggest making your own sheet for that, that would be way beyond the point of the book club


I think I’ll do just that:-)


Oh yeah, the book club is starting in 2 days. Perhaps I should get the book purchased and downloaded to my iPad. :sweat_smile:

And review the reading schedule. And I guess also brace for impact. Lol