Hunter × Hunter 🐸 (Absolute Beginner Book Club) - Starting on the 27th of August

And @Akashelia, so you get the ping as well.

I did just plan on splitting up vocab and kanji into separate columns, and if there were any that had multiple kanji, I would just find a way to annotate that with a semicolon. I didn’t intend on linking anywhere because more noise than necessary, imo. It would basically have looked something like:

Kanji Kana Meaning Notes WK Level Kanji WK Level Vocab
食べる たべる to eat eating things is yummy! Level 6 Level 6
用意 ようい preparation relevant note 用, Level 3; 意, Level 11 Level 11

But if @Akashelia is building their own sheet for the stats purposes, are we still wanting to implement anything new on the vocab sheet itself, just so I know before I put any time into it. :grin:

Note, this is just like what was floating in my brain, not necessarily what would be implemented in the end. I haven’t had time yet to properly look at the formulas used to see if I could make it look that way for sure.

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I think if there isn’t much work needed from the filler side of things, then it could be nice.
Also gsheets has a programming interface: Extending Google Sheets  |  Apps Script  |  Google Developers
Maybe it’s a bit less hectic than writing a formula

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This gon be fun. first time really trying to self study sum 日本語


I see what you did there.


I’ll check into that this weekend and determine which option will take me less time to make work and pick the one that seems like it will go the smoothest for me. Thanks for sharing that!


Could definitely still be interesting to have it in the sheet, if I build something on the side I’ll definitely post it here too, we’ll have to see how the reading comes along, I have no idea yet what I’m facing :smiley:


I have a copy of the sheet working well enough for finding vocabulary levels, but there are a couple of caveats I am running into the sheet right away.

  • It’s going to be searching for the vocabulary exactly as it’s taught in WaniKani, because I just copied the vocabulary list directly over. There’s 6,500 words, and I do not have time to go through and plug in potential variations with different amounts of okurigana (unless somebody has a better way to try and do so, at which point, I’m all ears!). This also means that any word that shows up as kana-only in the text, but not with kanji, will also not be caught by the search.

  • Not particularly finding a good way to get it to output the levels of the individual kanji the way I want to – both in the same cell. Theoretically, I could just add multiple columns for the kanji levels and let it just show levels per character in each column, but this would result in blank columns for smaller words, and I would likely need to have at least 4 columns (since 四字熟語 are fairly common). This might be something I can solve, and I’m just too tired to do so tonight, but I figure I’ll throw it out as a potential issue if anybody has suggestions about a way to do that. I’m also not going to pretend I did much with this yet. I mostly just compiled that vocabulary list and got that part working (by the way, leaving those kanji and vocab sheets visible for now, but the idea is that they will be hidden in the final version), then just threw one random formula in to see if it would give multiple results (assuming it wouldn’t, which it didn’t), so it’s totally possible that when I look at it for more than like, 10 minutes, I’ll have a better idea myself, but I’m done with it for the night… :stuck_out_tongue:


Me reading all this: :face_with_spiral_eyes:


My new best friend: ArrayFormula. Removes the issue of “inserting a row doesn’t copy the formulas”. Game changer for me.

Edit: ArrayFormula does not like TextJoin. Can be worked around.

Edit 2: @MrGeneric, row 2 is sacred:

Edit 3: @lucylavelle, you may be interested in ArrayFormula as well, if you haven’t learned it yet. It solves the problem when using a formula in a column that doesn’t copy over when someone inserts a new row.


That looks fantastic, and I love ArrayFormula after seeing it in action. How have I not come across it before!?


Not a big issue I think. Since WK is not teaching the Japanese language in its entirety (missing grammar and kana vocab, etc) but teaching kanji, for me the point would be to see how many kanjis from the book, can you decipher since you’ve been practicing WK, and at what level.

&Thanks again for working on this @MrGeneric and @ChristopherFritz :smiley:


Update: I totally missed that @ChristopherFritz had already done a version far better than what I came up with, I’ll remove the changes I made to it.

I just added a tiny amount of work to get in the individual level kanjis in the simplest way possible.

I’m not sure if you realized it but you did most of the hard work - getting all of the data from WK and then doing the vlookups to get the kanjis.

This is a really cool addition, I admit often I wonder have I seen this word before and have forgotten or is it really something I wasn’t exposed to, and it is pretty motivating to know if a word is coming for a few levels (even though for myself I put my WaniKani on pause for now).


hey yall, loving the work youre doing here with the spreadsheet ! is there a way we can make a separate thread for discussion of the particulars and any further developments ? were getting started reading soon and i want to keep my notifs on but im getting a lot of emails LOL


I wouldn’t suggest keeping a watch on this thread, instead only on the upcoming weekly threads. This one is bound to get into the specifics of actually organising the reading


This is my first time actually trying to participate in a book club, so basically I can post any questions I have regarding the book (either related to reading or just the story in general)?

And there are going to be threads for each week in the club?


Yes and yes. Though try to keep the spoilers hidden and even then only up to the end of that weeks reading.
And there will be a new thread each week for that weeks reading

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New kind of off-topic question, does anybody has any playlist / music recommandation to hear as a background when reading the book? :smiley:

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And another question, very on-topic.
I have purchased the book on bookwalker. I can read it on my phone via the app, but how about on PC? Can I read it there via the website? I can’t find where if yes, only the trial version, if anybody has the answer and if it’s possible I would love a screenshot showing where to click! :pray:

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Imo reading in a foreign language with any music on is a bit distracting, though that’s entirely me.

Click on the menu in the top right for the first image

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The anime soundtrack sounds like a good one. :slight_smile: