How much time per day on average do you spend doing WaniKani?

How much time per day on average do you spend doing WaniKani?

At this stage it feels as if I spend all day doing reviews.

Like: ā€œNice, I finished 50 reviews!!! =D ā€¦ oh, WK says I have to do 60 in 30 minutesā€ .___.

Repeat that all the afternoon until around 1 am and thatā€™s how WK feels for me.

ā€¦and God helps you if you leave the computer for about a couple of hours.


From 2 to 3 hours per day approximately.


Around an hour and a half or so.


ā€¦ In the other hand though, you have no idea how satisfying it is to not have to run to the dictionary every time you have to read a text.


ā€¦ In the other hand though, you have no idea how satisfying it is to not have to run to the dictionary every time you have to read a text.

Canā€™t wait for that.


All my time. Joking :sweat_smile:
In truth whenever I donā€™t have reviews, I just travel through other level (I like 50s) and study them. :grin:
So I think I spend more than two hours on the average.


going slow here, just catching up after a 1 year hiatus (was slow even before that). Now doing once a day usually less than half an hour, my goal is to successfully complete ten kanji or vocab and then I end my session (sometimes a few more if itā€™s flowing). Often too many other priorities, but Iā€™m still learning a lot with this system and grateful to be in the 700s now with my reviews, down from 900-something. Havenā€™t peeked my lesson yet though.


going slow here, just catching up after a 1 year hiatus (was slow even before that). Now doing once a day usually less than half an hour, my goal is to successfully complete ten kanji or vocab and then I end my session (sometimes a few more if itā€™s flowing). Often too many other priorities, but Iā€™m still learning a lot with this system and grateful to be in the 700s now with my reviews, down from 900-something. Havenā€™t peeked my lesson yet though.

Iā€™m also back from a one-year hiatus. I was level 5 before. Hope hoping to hit level 10 by the end of the year.


If I have new lessons I usually do them all. Reviewing all my items and doing all lessons took me about 1h30min this morning and then is guess there will be an addition 30-40min for reviewing them later so on a ā€œnew lessons/level upā€ day I spend around 2 hours on WaniKani.

Days when I only have reviews I do them and then come back when I have more. During these days Iā€™d say I spend about 15min-45min reviewing material depending on the amount.

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Like an hour or so? I just do the reviews when they pop up and Iā€™m not working. I wonā€™t go to bed without clearing them all, but I think I still only spend an hour or so on here.

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About an hour I think, though spread out throughout the day. I do a maximum of 30 vocab lessons a day separated in three sessions of 10, sometimes slightly more if a session is radicals or the second half of kanjis needed for the level up =)
I have around 100-150 reviews on ā€œnext dayā€ at all times, which is probably less than I do since I always have those new items of the day that gets repeated a few times. But would think about 200 reviews at best. Since I do the reviews in a timely mater they are all fresh in memory, or at the right spot according to srs, so I still remember them and they just fly by in a mater of very few minutes.

First time around I did bulk lessons of 100+, returning in just as huge bulks in reviews, ended up collecting dust in reviews before taken, and thus failed a lot of them , went slower and most returned in a few hours as they got bumped down. Had to reset from lvl 19. Doing bulks I ended up spending all day on it it felt like, got much less from it and generally learned very little. Doing a few at a time and always being on top of reviews means spending much less time and learning a whole lot more =)


I try to get on WK at least three times a day, once in the morning, once in the afternoon, and then once before I go to bed. And I try to knock out all of my reviews and a ā€œquotaā€ of lessons per day depending on how many have built up due to my laziness. That doesnā€™t always happen the way I plan due to school and work, etc. But I usually spend maybe about 2-3 on the program every day.

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Probably only half an hour to an hour on most days, although on days like today where I leveled up, maybe up to 2 hours, with all the new lessons and reviews.

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Hmm, maybe about an hour per day for 5 days of the week, doing reviews here and there throughout the day.
Sunday and Thursday are when I unlock new lessons in bulk, so it takes extra time to work through those and the additional reviews they generate, so add another hour.

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It feels like longer but maybe an hour or so a day. Yesterday at 10AM I had only 2 reviews so thought it was going to be a light day. Didnā€™t check again and by 10PM I had 235!! Took an hour or so to fly through them.

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How much many times per day? Or, how long a time per day / grand total per day / per session?

After I had [Userscript]: WaniKani Ultimate Timeline on, I usually do only 1-2 times per day. 30-60 min per session, I think.

However, I always spend forever on WaniKani Community.


Iā€™ve decided on focusing on other things than WK again, so right now I spend about 10-15 minutes per day to review what items Iā€™ve already added. It feels kind of refreshing.

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Iā€™m trying to hit Level 12 by the new year; hoping itā€™s not too ridiculous of a goal.

I do around 45 minutes in work and and another 45 minutes or so in the evening. Itā€™s usually enough to clear any reviews or lessons.

Although Iā€™ve certainly felt like Iā€™m forgetting more than Iā€™m remembering these daysā€¦

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Iā€™ve had a bunch of things shaking up my personal life and Iā€™m thinking of switching over to team slow for a few months, probably at a pace of 10-12 days per level. If any of you guys match that would you mind filling in me on the size of your daily review queues?