I’m still very early into my journey of learning Japanese through WaniKani and Duoling but it just so happens that I’m editing a social media post for a client that needs a Japanese translation. I don’t know enough to make my own accurate translation so I hired a translator to make sure that it was translated properly. It all seems to check out, but this one sentence is pretty far from what I gave them.
The sentence in question is: 6 cocktails from some of our favorite bars.
This is what I recieved:
行き先を ひとくち
Now, like I said, I’m nowhere near an expert but I know enough to see that it’s pretty different. I thought at least 六杯/6杯, 飲み物/カクテル would be things in the translation.
The first thing that I think of when seeing it is that isn’t not a full sentence. It’s just a fragment. So is there more around it that would potentially be factored into it?
Other than that, what they gave you omits the verb, so it’s also a fragment, but it has the feeling of “(Enjoy / Experience / something like that) the destination with a drink”. One of the meanings of ひとくち is “gulp” or “sip”. They may have just felt a literal translation wouldn’t have been very Japanese-languagish.
There are two other sentences before it but they’re also fragments of sentences but maybe they will give some clues. Here they are in order:
“Tokyo in a glass.” translated as 東京が グラスの中に (I can decipher this one) “Unique in every way.” - あらゆる面でユニーク (I see “unique”, but not sure what “あらゆる面で” does in this sentence".
I feel like I should point out that I know there isn’t always clean translations between these two languages - I’m just really curious to know how this was translated