Help with clumsy typos that send me back to Apprentice

Can anyone tell me how to get around this? I mostly do WaniKani on my phone and its tiny keyboard, and I’m constantly getting kanji and vocabulary I know inside and out bumped back down to Apprentice because of my typos.
I have a sense that there is something I can download that will forgive my typos and not send me circling endlessly in Apprentice. True?
I have been googling trying to figure out what userscripts, APis, and SRSs are (like, what do those things even mean!?) and if that’s what can help me but honestly I’m stumped.
I got userscripts from Tampermonkey but they don’t change anything in my review process.
The screenshot attached is what I have. I DID turn on Developer Mode after I tiik the screenshot, but still nothing has changed.

If I could solve this I know I could waste less time and learn much more quickly.
Thank you!

I assume you mean the reading of the kanji and vocab and not the meaning, since that already has some lenience. The advice is simple: Get used to a flick keyboard.

I have sausage fingers, I had this same issue, I usually type with the heavy aid of autocorrect in English. I downloaded a flick keyboard (gboard has a great one on android for example), got used to it in around 3-4 weeks, and now I can type as fast on a flick keyboard as on a qwerty keyboard and my accuracy went down.

You can also try stuff like anki mode, but that has the issue of having to correct yourself, which is prone to self cheating and misreading.

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I’m also not so good with userscripts and stuff but I have managed to use a few by following advice from other threads.
I’m not sure if they work so well on mobile, maybe you need a specific browser? And also I think having the Wanikani open framework (Installing Wanikani Open Framework) is important. Not even sure why, but also I think it needs to be at the top of the list of scripts…

Even better than all that (in my opinion) is using an app like Smouldering Durtles on Android, or Tsurukame on iOS. You can link your account and enable tons of useful features including an undo button.

Hope this helped, good luck !


This is the answer. Once you have Framework added, restart your browser and your userscripts should start to appear


This is where I live! I pretty much always do reviews on my laptop because of my poor phone typing skills/fat fingers. Also in the dark about userscripts, APis, SRS etc etc - it’s like there’s another language to learn as well as Japanese

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I do WaniKani a lot on my phone too, and whenever I make a stupid typo, I just go back to the previous page quickly. The answer doesn’t get saved and you get a second try. Actually, I think you don’t even think you need to do it quickly, just gotta exit the page.

Though it’s not a perfect method, because then you also have to redo some of the reviews again.


If you’re on your phone, download one of the third party apps

smouldering durtles for android

tsurukame for ios