Help for translating it :D


I was wondering if my translation was correct :slight_smile:

見せていると自分に阻みません: to not be able myself to stop showing something…

I was testing how と-particle was working between two verbs. I have a grasp from it because I had previously received some answers about it but I would like confirmation if possible.

hint : 阻む means “to keep someone from doing, to stop, to prevent.”

Which way was it translated? You wrote the Japanese from the English?

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Yes, from Japanese to english. But it’s mainly for understanding the operation behind this. Like yesterday where you answered me, so i was thinking it has to work the same here.

Ah… That was a quotative と. Like when you use it with と言う. You can’t はばむ a quote, but you can 認める with a quote, as in your question yesterday.

If I tried to translate your English, I’d go with something like


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I See… but What’s the difference between here the と-particle quotative and the と-particle casual?

In french, when you want to construct a complex action, you just put two verbs one by one like and i guess in english it’s working the same, like “to like eating something”.

But in Japanese, it doesn’t seem to work like this… how is it working here ?

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What do you mean by casual?

To like eating something would be


As with above, の turns what came before into a noun phrase which can then exist in a normal “like” sentence, or take another action/adjective.

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I see, but for me

o 虐められていると認めたくない : I don’t want to recognize being bullied
o 虐められていると認めたくない : I don’t want to recognize “being bullied”

seems the same… so how did you deduced it was a quotation and how did you translate it in your mind ? maybe i could understand how it’s working and being able later to understand it when i’ll read it again.

Maybe it’s more difficult to understand because i’m translating it in two times : In english and in French (because i’m french speaking) .

Sorry, my question isn’t simple !

It’s a quotation grammatically (in Japanese) whether you put quotes around it or not in English. Sorry if that was confusing. It’s how that function of と is described. It marks some kind of statement. You could put quotes around it in Japanese too… But they don’t use quotes as liberally as we do. They’re just less likely to use them for such a sentence, where the words weren’t actually spoken.

We can tell it’s not a different と (such as the conditional) because it just wouldn’t make as much sense.

Okay, i guess i just have to admit it so…

So if i want to construct a more complex action like previously said, i just have to put then : two verbs one after another 見せるのを止められない ? Is there other ways to make it ?

Like here : はなさずに 抱きしめている 二度とふりむかない
The translation about it mean : (I’m) Hugging it, never letting go, so don’t ever look back (It’s from Romantic Mode - Resolution in Gundam X after war)

And here you have to particle !

Yeah, there are many ways to make sentences with multiple verbs in Japanese.

I’m busy for a bit, but I’ll try to address that と later.

I have a minute to pick this up. So here’s what I know:

As Leebo said, there are variety of ways Japanese creates compound actions, depending on what you’re trying to say, it could be different. The construction of these verbs are not going to follow the same line of logic that say Romance Languages or Germanic Languages follow.

In the first case you initially ask about below,

Your English translation sounds something similar to “can’t help doing something” (link 1, link 2, link 3)because the subject feels compelled or has some compulsion to show whatever they have to show. With this specific grammar, there are couple ways I know of to express this. (The link above will show the rest of the constructions).

~ないではいられない, where ~ is the main action. In the case you presented earlier, that would be 見せる

This literally means (I) can’t stop showing (something). If that’s what you wanted convey, then you’ve accomplished expressing that. This different from about above because this sentence is saying that you’re unable (due to ability) to stop showing something.

In this case, the と particle is actually a part of the word 二度 creating the adverb “二度と”. Certain adverbs in Japanese use this kind of construction.

In addition, the above quote from Gundam is actually two separate complete clauses. If you pulled this from subtitles, they don’t always put punctuation in, so imagine a 。between 抱きしめている and 二度と.

Gotta run as well. Hopefully that helps you!

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I see. Well, if i understood well : there is a lot of ways to construct complex verbs, it depends of these verbs for each one of them.

To-Particule is used like quotation or “and” but it depends the context of the sentence.

So with experience, i’ll could make it but for know, i guess i’m asking too much informations. Sorry, i’m a little bit impatient xD… I’ll think about it and try to ask it again in some years…

Thank you for your answers both of you !

Once you start grasping the general logic of how Japanese is constructed, the confusion of how certain structures in your own language can possibly be expressed becomes less of an issue. I say “possibly” because you might encounter times when the nuance of your native language doesn’t seem to translate well in Japanese. You’ve probably already encountered this with your experience in English.

と has a variety of uses which depends on 1) what it’s appended to and 2) what follows it. This is the case with other particles in Japanese as well.

My best advice is try not to rely too much European languages to inform how to use the grammatical components, but rather try learn enough grammar and vocabulary to where you can start piecing together the general patterns and tendencies using Japanese. This may sound obvious, but many resources geared toward learners does the opposite and makes learning very confusing and insurmountable. Wish you the best!

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Thank you ! I picked up your website (imabi) in the same time. It seems a very convenient one. :kissing_smiling_eyes:

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