Getting reviews / practising after finishing WaniKani

Hello Everyone,
I got through all the chapters of WaniKani in 2020, but I have the feeling I should practise again in preparation for 2022 JLPT test. It’s really a pity that there is no practise mode in WaniKani.
If I understand it right I have to unburn chapters to get reviews again, right? Or is there are way to work around it?
I could practise with other sources but than I don’t see my mnemonics, which I need to see to memorize meaning and pronunciation well.
If I unburn chapters which ones should I unburn for N2 preparation? Later ones are good because they include Kanjis that appeared in previous chapters, on the other hand I probably won’t need the last chapters of WaniKani to master N2. Somewhere at 3/4 would be good I guess…?
Do you guys have any ideas / suggestions? How did you prepare for N2 Kanji section after finishing WaniKani?
Thank you, best regards from Munich,


I’m at a different point in my Japanese learning journey… but you could take a look at the [Userscript] Self-Study Quiz It let’s you review items outside of the wanikani schedule. Like for example you could start to just review some kanji level by level and then if you feel like you need some more practice on some, unburn only those to put them into the regular review schedule again.

I have no experience with this, but it sounds more effective than just unburning everything or so.


Hello Sumsum,
thank you, I installed it. I already heard that there are scripts, now I have one to try. :slight_smile:
Thank you for the link!
Lot’s of success with your WaniKani mission, keep going!

Something like level 40-45 should be fine, but better check the guidelines online to be sure. Does N2 have a kanji section? Or do you mean the vocab section?

I use Anki outside of WaniKani so that might be useful, too.

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Hello Inchou,
thank you for the tipps. Ok maybe level 40-45 then! :+1:
I mean the kanji part inside of the vocab section. There is no separate kanji test. :slight_smile:
Yes, Anki would also be an option… I have it installed but still not created my own sets.
Have a successful journey with your WaniKani adventure!


Hello sumsum,
I also installed “burn manager” it seems that is the tool I need to unburn single levels as you said.
In WaniKani itself one can only unburn FROM let’s say level 40 and than all levels after level 40 are also unburned…
Thanks for the hints!! I guess I can do it now!!

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That’s good to know! I only ever resurrected single items (if you go to the bottom of the item page of a burned item, there’s a “resurrect” button) but it sounds as if that might be useful if you wanna resurrect a bigger bunch

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Thank you! :blush:

But I’m afraid my glory days are over :joy:

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Uh, if you hvaen’t seen it already check out Item Inspector. It has a lot of wild filtering and export functionality plus it integrates with Self Study Quiz. The author has a pretty detailed rundown of the functionality with screenshots.


There are scripts for this, so you don’t have to unburn anything.

I suggest installing the Self-study quiz and the Item inspector script. Both will help you review the items you want to. :slight_smile:


Hello Ccookf
thank you for your recommendation. No I didn’t know about item inspector. Awesome! I installed it, now I have to go through the explanations. I found the screenshots by the author. Very helpful!
Thanks again for recommending it and providing the links!
Have fun and success on your own WaniKani journey,

Hello ekg,
thank you for recommending self study quiz and item inspector. I am so relieved that I don’t have to unburn anything. You also have your chapter 60 already done… you know what it means getting to the end… :smiley: I installed both extensions, now I have to study how to use it. Was also checking if there is any YouTube video for explanation but there isn’t.
Thank you for the helpful reply and the links!
Enjoy the benefits of having completed WaniKani yourself,
take care,


I think @prouleau has made extensive explanations in the OP post for the Item Inspector. If there’s something you’re wondering about, I’m sure he’ll get back to you if you ask about the script in his thread. :slight_smile: Good luck with your studies!


Hello ekg,
thank you for the uplifting message concerning explanations. Yes, the explanations are extensive and it indeed looks like he is a very helpful dude! Will ask if needed! Thank you, ekg!
Take care and keep up the good study! :slight_smile:


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