Genki I study group, chapter 7 discussion thread

Hello everyone, welcome to the seventh chapter (^.^)(^。^)(^-^)(^A^)(^_^)((((;゚Д゚)))))))

If you haven’t already, please check out the home thread for our study group here.
Please use this thread to discuss Genki I, chapter seven. Talk about what you learned, ask questions, and do group activities together. Also please compare answers, BUT please use spoiler formatting so that people who haven’t done the worksheets yet can’t cheat on accident.
Also, there is an answer key for Genki and multiple users have posted screenshots of them. Thank you for these contributions!
You can format a spoiler like this:

[spoiler][the answer to a question in genki][/spoiler]

Thank you everyone for participating! If you are a little behind that’s totally fine, just be sure to use the Chapter 6 thread instead.


It’s time for me to make the new thread… but no one has posted on this one. Did it die? ; (

I read the threads, but have been using Michiyo Wojnovich’s Youtube channel for instruction since I don’t have the book. Thus I don’t have much to offer as far as posts go.

I have enjoyed the notes that Gerandpa has put up - they have helped clarify some of the grammar points.

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Ahhhh sorry I completely forgot to post my notes. This chapter was very important! As usual, I haven’t looked at these notes in weeks, so lemme know if anything looks off!

Chapter 7 Notes

Chapter 7


て-form followed by いる means

An action is in progress (present continuous)

  • スーさんは今勉強している。Sue is studying right now.

A past event that is connected with the present (the result of a change)

  • 山下先生は結婚しています。Professor Yamashita is married.

When changed into this form, 持つ is used to mean that you have something.

  • スーさんはお金をたくさん持っています。Sue has a lot of money.

知っている is used to mean that you know someone, but to say that you do not know someone, use 知りません instead of using the negative いる form.

Verbs like 行く and 来る are used to show prior movement, NOT current movement

  • 中国に行っています。Somebody has gone to/is in China.
“食べています” affirmative negative
Non-past formal 食べています 食べでいません
Past formal 食べていました 食べていませんでした


“食べている” affirmative negative
Non-past informal 食べている 食べていない
Past informal 食べていた 食べていなかった
  • When speaking casually, you can change ている/ていない to てる/てない
    • 映画見ている→映画見てる。I am watching a movie.

Descriptions of Physical Attributes

In Japanese, you would say:

  • トムさんは髪が長いです。Tom has long hair.

Instead of:

  • トムさんの髪は長いです。Tom’s hair is long.

When describing someone’s physical attributes (目・耳・手・足。。。), you would use (physical attribute)が (adjective)です。

Other sayings include 背が高い (is tall), 背が低い (is short), 頭がいい (is smart)

て-forms for Joining Sentences

て-form for adjectives and nouns

い-adjectives: drop い and add くて

な-adjectives/nouns: add で

Dictionary form て-form
い-adjectives 安い 安くて
irregular いい よくて
な-adjectives 元気(な) 元気で
noun + です 日本人です 日本で

In addition to joining two verbs together, the て-form can be used to join adjectives and sentence elements.

  • あの店の食べ物は安くて、おいしいです。The food at that restaurant is inexpensive and delicious.

  • ホテルはきれいで、よかったです。The hotel was clean, and we were happy.

  • 山下先生は日本人で、五十歳ぐらいです。Professor Yamashita is Japanese and he is about fifty years old.

The tense of the non-て-form verb determines the tense of the sentence.

Verb stem + に行く “going to do…”

If a person moves to another place in order to do something, we can describe their movement using verb stem + にいく

Destination of movement(に・へ) purpose of movement(に) 行く・来る・帰る

  • デパートにかばんを買いに行きました。I went to a department store to buy a bag.

  • メアリーさんは日本に日本語を勉強しに来た。Mary came to Japan to study Japanese.


  • “に indicates purpose when someone moves from one place to another”
  • This grammar point can only be used with verbs of motion (行く・来る・入る・出る), not with verbs that express manner of movement (歩く・泳ぐ・走る)
  • If the purpose verb is a する verb (e.g. 勉強する), する・し can sometimes be dropped
    • 質問する “to ask a question”
      • 学生が質問に来た。A student came to ask a question.


  • will come back and fill this in later

Counting People

The counter for people is 人(にん), but “one person” and “two people” are irregular: 一人(ひとり) and 二人(ふたり)

For the rest, just add the number to 人

Three people→三+人=三人

  • 私のクラスにはスウェーデン人の学生が一人います。There is one Swedish student in my class.


For this chapter I am still trying to fully understand the ている forms. In the example “スーさんは今勉強している。Sue is studying right now.”, why does it end in ている instead of ています - “すーさんは今勉強しています”? In the other examples in the lesson they end in ています and the form is ている.

Here are the answers for Chapter 7!

Genki Textbook Answers

Genki Textbook Answers 読み書き編

Genki Workbook Answers

Happy Studying! :high_touch:

I’d say it’s a typo, of sorts. している is the casual conjugation.

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Not dead! But I think a lot of people might not be here yet, at least according to the check-in table on the main thread.

I do have a couple of things I’d like to ask in regards to this chapter.

In regards to counting people, we know that one and two people are exceptional readings. How would you say “no one” or “0 people”? For example, if someone asked me how many Japanese people are in my Japanese class, how would I say 0? Maybe I would just say 日本語のクラスに日本人がいりません。Would that be correct?

Lastly, for Textbook Practice VII-A-11
Is my answer correct? I want to be sure I know how to use past tense negative of ている.
I answered: いいえ、日本語を知っていませんでした。

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That’s what I would assume, but it’d be いません not いりません.

And yes, ている just conjugates like いる.

Gotcha, thanks!

I’m still a good bit behind because life got in the way of Japanese studying. Just finished Chapter 5 yesterday. Don’t give up.

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Hey all, hopefully this thread thread isn’t dead!

Does anyone know if there’s a difference between the following sentences?

The first sentence, using verbal te-form, translates to “My mother teaches high school.”
The second translates to “My mother is a high school teacher.”

Are they just subtly different ways to say the same thing like in English or is there some contextual difference?

Small correction: 学校えています。

教える is a る-verb, so the て-form needs to be 教えて.
Also for your own mother you would usually just use 母(はは), and お母さん for other people‘s mother.

I think your English translation conveys the difference just fine, even though I would say the second version is more commonly used when asked what your mother’s occupation is?
For the first one I would probably expect the subject that she teaches to be specified (学校で数学を教えています), but that’s definitely not necessary to constitute a complete sentence.


Yea the first definitely does sound better with a specific subject, at least in English. Thanks!

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