Problem with correct conjunctions



Here are two sentences and I do not understand why at the end of the first sentence they wrote はいている and at the end of the second sentence 着ていて
I just do not get why it is in one sentence いる and the other one いて
I hope someone can explain this to me, thank you a lot in advance :pray:

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I don’t think I’ve ever seen the て form used like that, and I can’t quickly find anything on it either.

Where’d you get these sentences? Are you sure it’s not a mistake?

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You mean in general?

Like this?

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No, I mean the specific usage that’s causing confusion here:

Trying to look for usages of the て form before a noun comes up with either set phrases or things like song lyrics where the following noun is independent from the verb, but given the sentence structure and further context I’d say this is supposed to be an adjectival use of the verb.


Yes, I also think it is correct like that, but I am not sure, because my teacher wrote those example sentences and I cannot ask him right now.:sweat_smile:

So both sentences are correct?

I’m not confident enough to say no, especially since your teacher wrote them, but I’d definitely ask if this was intentional and if so, why.

The second sentence seems unusual to me and I can’t find anything supporting this kind of usage, so it may well be a typo on their part, but I’m not exactly fluent.

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Yeah, I think it should be 着ている男の人.


It does make more sense.

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Thank you very much, I wont be surprised if that is a mistake because my japanese teacher often makes small mistakes🙈

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Japanese teachers are human too :smile:

My guess is they were just so focused on demonstrating the て form, they accidentally slipped in one too many


Yes, I totally agree with you!
It has happened quite often so I am paying more attention to everything.

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Wait, you’re that person.

You should tell your teacher that they should consider whether they continue teaching japanese or not, or maybe they’re just not talented enough.


Right, you helped before several times!:blush:

I think if I say anything like that I will get kicked out of the course. They are already quite strict :sweat_smile:


If a teacher can’t deal with you rightly pointing out their mistakes, it’s time to find a new teacher :sweat_smile:


To be fair, I can imagine someone saying this out loud with a pause after スーツを着ていて and it not sounding off to me at all.

Whether it’s grammatically correct as a standalone, written sentence is a different matter :smiley:


My Japanese teacher said you usually don’t repeat the ていて, it would end with ている。

And it might even be just めがねをかけて at first, since you’re already specifying at the end.


Thank you so much for explaining! This is very kind of you​:blush::hugs:


Lol, I had a pretty well known (in the field) Ph,D. doing a talk one time, and he had given us a printed handbook full of miscellaneous data sheets and stuff. But he was mostly talking from a slide show. And he’s showing us this horrendous air dispersion calculation that’s all gibberish to me (which was fine, it was background info, not something we were supposed to learn). And on the slide, there’s this huge equation but if you blur your eyes a little bit, it’s Thing = [big complicated term 1] + [big complicated term 2].

So I’m half paying attention and idly flipping through the book and the page just randomly opens… right to that same equation. Only in the book it’s [big complicated term 1] - [big complicated term 2]. And man, I don’t want to say anything. I look at the cover of the book and its AUTHOR is THIS SAME GUY. So before I embarrass myself, I make sure the rest of the equation is identical, there are no other reversed signs that would make both right. But it’s only that one difference.

So I chose my words VERY carefully. I raised my hand and said exactly: “I noticed the slide and the handbook look like the same thing except for the sign in the middle?”

And the guy has a complete meltdown. Stops the class, pointedly asks me if *I* have the nerve to think HIS book is wrong? “I didn’t say that. I just said the book and the slide are different.” Guy storms out in a huff, then about 15 minutes later comes back and makes a class announcement to change the ‘-’ in the book to a ‘+’, then stomps out again.

So for the rest of the course, I was “the guy who corrected [guy’s name]”. But the funny part is, I didn’t understand a bit of it. All I know is - and + are different.

slight derail for funny story time


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