Genki 2 Study Group - now open!

Fellow げんきers,

I recently got a fresh copy of the 3rd edition of Genki 2 and have no tutor nor people to work with. I was wondering if anyone would like to join a Genki 2 Study Group to do the pair work exercises, speak Japanese and generally chat at the level we acquire progressively through our study. I am a member of an ongoing Genki 1 study group but I had already finished the book when I joined. It is working pretty decently, and I wonder if there’s a niche for the 2nd part too!

My idea would be to meet once every week or two weeks. My current university schedule is tight, but at the same time I would like to move fast through the book. Both options sound reasonable and we would decide together. As with the Genki 1 group, both 2nd and 3rd editions are equally welcome!! We are using Discord.

Anyway, please let me know if you are interested. 一緒に勉強しましょう!


I’d be down! I probably can’t start for another week or so, but I have the 2nd edition of the book and would love to have someone to do the pair exercises with!


I would also be interested! I believe I have the second edition at home; although I just started using WaniKani I have been studying on and off for 6 years now but I’m trying to go back through my old formal education (the genki books) as I aim for native fluency in the next two years.


OK, I’ll create a Discord channel and add the link to this thread! The more, the merrier!

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Yes! I’m working on Tobira now, but I find that I have forgotten some of the Genki 2 grammar, so going over it again would be fun!


I won’t be joining in immediately, the past three or four weeks have been crazy busy, I’ve just managed to keep up with Wanikani, not doing any other studies. But as soon as things calm down and life finds a normal pace again, I’d love to join in!

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I would be interested, too. Last year we already got up to lesson 17 in a uni course but we went pretty fast through everything and I’m afraid it didn’t really stick as i didn’t really have the time then to study more indepth myself.
I also got the workbook for extra exercises if you’re interested.

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Hi! Interested in joining this group! Would be great to have some people to practice the conversation and roleplay with.

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Please join by clicking here. There’s some initial information in #general :blush:

@JuiceS Yes, workbooks are welcome! :smiley:
@anon3564849 Feel ya! :heart:

It’s up and running now, @Marifly @caladan22ph @anon3564849 @WorldWanderer :smile:


I just finished BunPro’s JLPT path but I would like to be a bit more structured with my studies in a way so I’d love to join in (so I joined hah). I have a few things left to do to get up to speed but hopefully it’ll be fun.

I’m still on book 1 (I’d switched Bunpro instead) but I’ll see if I can catch up and if I can I’ll join :blush:

Welcome, @zyoeru! Thank you for joining. I will upload a poll in the group
soon to decide meeting times. Feel free to chat away.

No worries, @Kjwoods! We are not going to have a meeting until next week, in any case. We have only started introducing ourselves and chatted a bit :face_with_hand_over_mouth: I’ll make sure to announce our meeting here so anyone can join last-minute!


Our first session will be on Sunday, October 25, 2020. We are planning on holding every meeting on Sunday. We will work on Chapter 13.

There is a poll in the Discord server to decide the time that works best for us all. You can join here.

I have a couple of questions since I’ve never participated in one of these group study sessions before.

What preparation is expected before the session?
What will the structure of the session look like?

Sounds like just the type of thing that I need, well, depending on what time on Sundays you’re meeting :slight_smile: but in any case I’m gonna check out the discord! I finished going through genki 1 in uni and I have the 2nd edition of genki 2 + the workbook, but I dropped out of school before we could get started on that :woozy_face:

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Hi, @zyoeru!

The preparation expected is you getting familiarized with the vocabulary and grammar of each chapter.

What we do for the Genki 1 group is that we decide beforehand which pair work exercises from the book we will do. Then, on the day on the meeting, we take turns to read the dialogue in the chapter and do the exercises. That way we put grammar and vocab in action and get to speak a little 日本語 (which otherwise we wouldn’t really do).

We also get to ask each other questions about the grammar, vocab… in the chapter and help each other out if we struggle. After the session, some people do their Workbook exercises for the chapter and share their answers in pictures, compare, ask questions… We also have a channel in the server where we chat in Japanese whenever we fancy.

I hope I didn’t miss anything :smile:


Thank you so much, that was helpful. :slight_smile:

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I’ll be joining! Hopefully studying with other people can give me more discipline :sweat_smile:

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