Genki 1 Study Group?

I might be able to join this, I own Genki 1 but have yet to go through it, so this could be the kick in the butt I need.

I’m west coast USA, so PST (-8 GMT). Only issue I can see is that scheduling could be a nightmare, but it’s probably workable.

I’ll post my Discord when I’m certain I can participate.

Ooh. Very interested :slight_smile:
Just created a discord account. catherinecatgirl#2658.
I live in Canada (EST)

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I’m in! I have a discord account for Pogo in my area :joy: And I have Genki 1. Just started, haven’t made it through the first chapter yet. I don’t have the answer key but I actually found a japanese person to befriend and meet with and correct my work! :slight_smile: But happy to take advice from those who have the answer key as well. I am Renn289 on discord. Depending on the time, I could definitely do at least once a week. I wonder if we should have once a week for different time zones? Idk.

I’m still a discord noob…I think my regular account name to find me is Renn#1470

Ah wow! I woke up and there was so much interest! I’m so happy!

The best way to know when people want to join the discord is just to add me, and I’ll immediately add you to the server then ^^

We’re all from a wide variety of places it seems, but if we have a large enough group we can always just have multiple sessions at different times depending on what works for everyone that people are free to participate in. I’ve used some scheduling programs before so we can see what times match up for everyone the best.


I’m interested. ^^

I’ve got the gear. I set up discord and friended you! :slight_smile:

I’ll see what I can do, although I think my work hours will make it hard, since I work weekends. Went ahead and added you! My discord is Ashiko | megミ❄#4710

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I actually just finished Genki 1 but would love an opportunity to practice grammar with others on the same path :slight_smile:
I’ll get Discord tomorrow and add you guys. I hope we’ll be able to work put a schedule that will work for everyone… Otherwise we can split into 2 (or more) groups depending on the timezones.
I’m GTM +1 btw.

Hi friends!
I realized, I can just link the server itself (lol)

If you’re interested, please join!

I’m still setting it up, honestly I wasn’t even expecting anyone to be interested but I really hope that we can be a lively study group together!

When you join, please fill out this form so we can best coordinate:


Thanks for the Discord link. I think I’m on under the name dunlewy. I’ll figure out the rest later.

I’m in the U.S. on Central Time.

Just joined and filled out the form too! :slight_smile:

The link says its expired when I click on it. Here’s my discord though

Wolf Has Fleas#4540

I know it probably won’t confuse people too much, but make sure not to put too much emphasis on the WaniKani part. :slight_smile:

The official stance of the staff is that they don’t want people to think any Discord is officially related to WaniKani - lest anyone misconstrue drama or misbehaviour as a failure to moderate on WaniKani’s part, and then thinking it’s a bad service.

Good luck and have fun with your study group! Nice to see so many new people dive right in. :muscle:

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My schedule is weird, so I may be text only, but I would gladly join the discussion whenever I could! My Discord name is JacobW#9960. Currently trying to peer pressure a friend into doing this as well.

Hi I’d love to join. I’ve already filled out the form my discord is GallusJanus#0927. I’m happy to join in on conversations whenever my schedule permits.I’ll be getting the books this week.
The link isn’t working for me btw.

It seems that the invite link has expired. I reccomend you using the permanent invite link instead of a temporary one.

I filled in the form, but the discord link didn’t seem to work :relaxed:

I also filled out the form, but was unable to use the link to the server as it has expired. I made note of my WaniKani username as requested, though, so makz is me! :smiley:

Here’s a new discord link that won’t expire!
I’ve had a really busy day, but tomorrow I’ll get the ball rollin’!

And @Omun, thanks for pointing this out :slight_smile: I’ll be sure to make that distinction from WaniKani.