Ever use split screens for emergency?

ever use split screens on windows+mac where you have one search bar in wanikani and the actual reviews on the side? i have to do that tomorrow cause its emergency lmao. since i have work, i’ll have about 200 reviews by the time i get home. so 200 reviews is gonna take like 1hr 30 mins. but with split screen it’ll be quicker and less tiring for me by the time i come home. i assume i’ll get new lessons afterwards.


Well never an emergency for me but i will sometimes splitscreen with a documentary on one side


Pretty frequently I use split screen for either a review/work combo or to show what music is playing. If I’m at home, usually, I have it split between reviews (main screen), forum (side), and music (side).

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like i mean i have both wanikani site on left and right. so i just copy the kanji and paste it in the search box on my left side split screen so i can see the answer. lmao. because im not gonna have time tomorrow, i gotta cheat

In that case, no because I use WK to learn. I’m not trying to beat it like a game…


That’s not gonna help you learn though! All it’s gonna do is bugger up the SRS. Learnt that one myself the hard way before I reset - all of my cheating to level up meant that I just didn’t know as much as I was claiming to, and as much as WK thought I did.


Would you like me to edit the title to “Ever use split screens for cheating due to timing?” Otherwise, you’re probably not going to get the confirmation answers you’re looking for.


Yeah you’re better off turning on vacation mode or just skipping that day.


Smart. I never even thought to do that honestly.

True, to help me learn I write everything in a notebook and that notebook is only for what I learn with japanese. So if I don’t have internet I can always go over it and learn when I cant get on here, but I do use that if I can’t think of the answer and ive tried a few answers already.

Unrelated, are you getting 300+ reviews a day at level 11? How quickly do you do levels? If you’re cheating a lot your accuracy shouldn’t be bad. I didn’t get that many daily reviews a day until the 30s or 40s.

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When you get an answer wrong you can check the right answer if you hit the eyeball, you don’t have to keep guessing. Unless I’m misunderstanding your issue.


Not even once


I think you should take a step back and recall why you’re doing WaniKani in the first place. Attaining level 60 doesn’t mean anything if your actual kanji knowledge is stuck at N4.


I mean, you’re only hurting yourself if you cheat, so go for it. Instead, why not just do half the reviews and come back to the rest when you have more time. Cheating so you can get a large pile of reviews done just makes it so you’ll get more large chunks like that, and they will be more difficult the next time because you aren’t actually studying them.


If you do this one time and then the next time the item comes up (and the next after that) do you remember it? If so, you can say you are still learning. If it’s like in one ear and out the other it’s pretty pointless to keep going on that way. Better to make changes like slow down, etc. For the record, I’m not here to judge or decide what’s cheating or not since this is a tool to help you learn, not a test that results in some sort of privilege. The important part is to learn, right? Just make sure you are learning.

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If you only do a small portion of the reviews you get every day they’ll just pile up until they’re unmanageable and you’ve got a stack of 1000+ (at which point it becomes really easy to quit). Best thing if you really don’t have time to do all your daily reviews is to do fewer lessons. That’ll eventually bring down daily review count and generally slow everything down. If you don’t have the time to commit to full-speed, then don’t do full-speed.

(Not saying this to you, more pointing out the idea that lessons are how you control your pace, just letting reviews pile up isn’t a great way to manage your time.)

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Never to cheat lol, I feel like that would be much slower than just getting it wrong. Though, I will confess, I search up words after I get them wrong if I feel like there’s a visually similar word. It almost definitely messes up my SRS, but I very rarely confuse them again.

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In an “emergency” I fullscreen my reviews to eliminate distractions, put on some instrumental music and start ploughing through the reviews.


I wasn’t implying letting reviews pile up indefinitely, but the immediate problem of being overwhelmed by reviews can’t be helped by slowing down the pace of lessons when there aren’t any waiting. Doing them in chunks of 100 or so is a reasonable approach, and definitely better than cheating. In the end it accomplishes the same thing as you will not unlock the lessons as quickly.

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