To whom it concerns
Has there been a recent functionality change I’ve noticed since last week that the old method of typing “tt” to give the small version of tsu seems to no longer work.
This is causing issues using the tool as now it’s impossible to type in certain words correctly.
I’ve not made any changes to my browser or set up so wondering whats going on.
I remembered a thread from the other day about this that may help:
If I remember right, for example to get がっこう
gattkou no longer works,
gakkou should still work. (and is more in line with what input methods generally expect)
(gaxtsukou presumably works too but isn’t recommended)
Yes, there have been a bunch of people complaining about it, which makes me think there are even more who didn’t come here to complain. I’m not sure where they would learn it either.
Now that I think about it, I’m pretty sure the teacher in the single Japanese course I’ve ever taken wrote “tt” when she romanized っ, even in words like がっこう. I don’t think I’ve ever run into it anywhere else except for this thread.
Hmmm. I don’t think I am. I have been typing syuttketsu instead of syukketsu. It’s one extra character but my brain says says “t for tsu”. I’ll have to try that.
Edit: Tried both ways on Google keyboard and both work but now on WaniKani only the syukketsu way works.
… but it seems like by coincidence it illustrates the “double the following consonant” point only with つ, which seems like it might be one way the misunderstanding might arise for folks who ended up in the “double t” camp.
(incidentally as a bonus tip, “x” works to make following characters smaller, so “xtu” works in situations where for some reason you definitely don’t want to just double the following consonant. This is most useful for loan words with unusual combos like ティ, I’m not recommending it for typing っ normally, to be clear)
To be fair, the “double the next consonant” method doesn’t work for ending phrases with っ which you’ll see pretty often in manga and other informal contexts, but “xtu” works there. I wonder how people originally learned to type tt… i’d never heard about this method but i’m curious what sources advise this
@rodan made a pretty good point above that every example the WaniKani “how to type” guide gives for typing っ is with a っ that’s duplicating the T in a regular-sized つ.
Maybe something for the @Mods to fix. Or the @koichi