Having just wrapped up Level 60… no thanks, at some point enough is enough. I’ve already put off actually using what I learned for long enough, and some of the stuff in the later levels is already pretty obscure. The one piece of vocab for 亮 on WK isn’t even a word - it’s a name!
Make new levels or expand existing ones; doesn’t matter. Complete the thing. A good place to start are all the kanji already used in sample sentences but not yet items.
(Also, the advanced context sentence script should be baked in. On the upper levels, once one can bootstrap, context is a lot more useful than toy mnemonics.)
Bottleneck in reading for me now (level 50+) are 人名用漢字 名乗り. Knowing even just the most common ones would help a lot. (Not even new kanji, just vocab.)
Just one man’s opinion, but I was getting tired by the time I reached the upper-40s. They only had 50 levels back then, and, I admit, I groaned when they added 51-60. I did persevere… mostly for the sake of completeness, which is not a great reason… but I don’t think I would have continued if they added even more. As the secret room at level 60 says (paraphrasing), it’s time to leave the nest. Go spend some time in the real world. Read, talk to people, etc.
I made this this thread for individual suggestions which are more likely to be taken as a suggestion than “all jouyou kanji”
I would love that! But rather than adding more levels, I reckon they could filter them into the existing levels, like they’ve been doing with new material.
IMO the time to “leave the nest” is in the 30s or 40s. You shouldn’t ever be “putting off” (barring IRL circumstances ) reading real material, getting real input. As you learn more kanji you should be shifting your time and your from WK to real input. I never understood the “must complete WK as fast as possible in order to get to the real world” mentality.
From this standpoint it makes a lot of sense to add more content to WK, but maybe not as gated levels. For some people (me) SRS is a very effective way of learning recognition (I simply cannot see something once and still have it memorized a month later, I need the repetition). I’d like more content because it would be nice to have it all in one place.
I guess the form I’d like to see is the 60+ (or even 50+) content is just one giant bag of kanji and vocab. You can say “I’d like to learn 20 new words today” and it’ll pick them randomly add them to the queue. Or maybe you saw a new kanji in a manga the other day, you can cherrypick that one and some vocab using it to add to the queue. I do this right now with my own homebuilt SRS system that mixes custom and WK items… but it would be nice for them to have been in WK in the first place.
I had seen a recommendation for optional modules before that I liked. I’ve seen other learning sites use “learning paths” to semi-customize content for users which I think would alleviate the “useless” vocab issue, but would probably be too much work at this point. I’d like to see a different approach to more content than just adding levels (EtoEto maybe? lol)
Honestly, I’m I just put up with WK at this point because the content is relatively well put together compared to random mining, but the SRS implementation is mediocre at best (to be fair, wk has been around for like a decade yeah?). A recent update breaking some of my can’t-live-without scripts (whose features are built in to the other platforms I use) really sunk how I want to abandon this ship sooner than later. If they add more levels I’d be much more tempted to dip at the old cap of 50 than continue on.
Well, 'leave the nest" means ‘permanently’. But yeah, it’s good to do things outside of WK pretty much from the start.
The point about essentially being verbally kicked out at level 60 is that some people do over-rely on WK because, in the absence of someone hand-holding them through the other aspects of the language-learning process, they will just keep doing WK until it ends. Some people just aren’t self-directed. I think I recall Koichi saying that that’s one reason he’s not inclined to add more kanji content.
And there’s also the pure time and energy commitment. I’ve seen people mention in their level 60 posts how they intend to start grammar now that WK will take less time. Or people in level 50s say they’re looking for N5 level reading material.
It can be really hard to make time for grammar and immersion on top of WK. Extending the hand-holdy, currated WK experience further might make busy people hold off on the nitty-gritty side of wading into proper usage and immersion.
I just want to be finished too, but I want to actually be finished. To me, level 60 can only be the end if it includes all Jouyou and Jinmeiyou, which it doesn’t.
I’m with ya 100%, the more the better! If people are tired of it by level 60, they can feel free to stop using it. Otherwise, creating my own Anki flashcards using WaniKani techniques won’t be the end of the world, just much less preferable.
Thats not the end either. Like there literally is no end. Its arbitrary. Its literally all arbitrary and finishing wanikani means nothing
I’m feeling sarcasm…but I was like “yeah, 10 would be awesome”.
Well, the fact that 98% of his users will never see the post 60 content probably has something to do with it as well.
I think the current content update system is a good compromise since it addresses the part of WK that most users are interacting with.
Yeah even learning the 6300ish kanken kanji isn’t the end either @cypher1101. As random examples, you may encounter a surname with 髙, which there are still 1000s of people that have such a surname, or 氐 if you run into ancient eastern astrology.
You’re never truly finished with learning, reaching level 60 just gives you some proper tools to wield in the wild.
That wasn’t sarcasm…
I was really just going off the Jouyou’s intention to be a literacy baseline. I think it’s a practical goal and support the idea of adding more levels to include it.
For the completion sake I agree.
oooooooooo. thanks. missed it.