This is not a post about WK needing to add all the remaining jouyou kanji or whatever. This is just asking people, from their own experience, which individual kanji you think should be on the website but aren’t?
Five of my favorites:
揃 - It is commonly used in a commonly used verb, so this is one of the most jarring kanji not included I think.
詣 - Not only is it fairly commonly used (初詣 in particular), but it is also jouyou, so it will also satisfy people super concerned about the list in particular.
絆 - This one comes up a lot for きずな which is all over things with friendship tropes.
兎 - Like 狼, it comes up frequently enough. Plus I really like the shape of the kanji.
蚕 - Okay, this one isn’t common or anything, but its one of my favorites for how simple and understandable despite its more obscure usage. What is the 虫 from 天? Duh, a silkworm.
I second this recommendation, this one seems common enough that I think it might be useful to know.
The other ones that might be fun to add to the later levels are kanji like 壱 or 伍, which you’ll rarely see instead of the more normal way of writing numbers. Although these seem to be rare enough and easy enough to learn on your own that adding them to WK might not even be worth it
柚 - Have seen the kanji a few times now when looking at Japanese food/drink products (often within the word 柚子 yuzu) and was surprised I couldn’t find it on WK.
I already have a list of kanji I think are really worth adding haha
First of all, I’m very surprised the 肢 from 選択肢 isn’t here already. I see it a lot.
I write down a lot of kanji that aren’t on WaniKani, but I only think some of them are really worth adding, because naturally expecting WaniKani to teach every single kanji in use is unreasonable.
塞 - 塞ぐ
訛 - 訛り
叶 - 叶う
窟 - 洞窟
溢 - 溢れる
賑 - 賑やか
撫 - 撫でる
曖 - 曖昧
昧 - 曖昧
Other kanji that I think may be less common but I still think are nice to know are:
呟 - 呟く
潰 - 潰す
暢 - 流暢
臆 - 臆病
讐 - 復讐
I thought that 唐 might be a new kanji here as well, but I checked and Wanikani does have 唐. However, it is listed as “china”, and the only word it has is 唐突 (sudden). It doesn’t have any kunyomi words at all. They should add 唐揚げ.
I see these especially as 嫉妬 all the time. Then again, I already know it, so it’s probably not necessary for me. Also the kunyomi of these is quite useful.
To me it would make some sense to add the kanji which currently feature only as radicals, because there is already some WK content to back that up. The more common ones of course.
Otherwise I don’t think I would add more. If there is a kanji I learn through reading which appears often, it means I already learned it and so will probably others eventually, too
As @l_l pointed out, more readings for existing kanji might also be a good idea.
完璧 is in WK too now, I did the list before they started adding many kanji last summer, maybe I should try again.
But btw one of the big caveat about that list was that the results were very different when I tried with other corpus (like with the innocent corpus or netflix subtitles corpus), so I’m not super confident about them. But the BCCWJ seemed to be the highest quality out there, that’s why I kept it.