Chinese fonts appearing only in reviews

Has anyone experienced this? Been using WK for over a year, but suddenly, as of today, certain review items are appearing in Chinese fonts. As far as I can tell, both Chrome and my computer (MacOS Sonoma) are set to default to Japanese, and if I go to the general page for an item, it displays it in the correct font (as do various “Is your browser set to Japanese fonts?”-style websites—seems like Chrome/my computer is still preferencing Japanese in every other situation).

Here’s an example:

Compared to 新聞’s general page:

This also happened with the “Orders” radical (although I failed to get a screenshot of its Chinese form). Any thoughts on what might be causing this, or how to fix?



Can you clarify what you mean by “Chinese fonts”? There were some font changes in WaniKani recently to make things more consistent across the board, so perhaps there’s some connection to that. :thinking:

The characters actually have some small changes in Chinese, i.e. look at the tree radical on the left of 新聞


Tofugu used to have a good article about it, but I can’t seem to find it any more. In the meantime: Wikipedia.


Thank you! I’m even more confused now though, as I only see the second example for 新聞 in WaniKani here. :laughing: Weird!

You should only see the second example. Getting Chinese fonts means something’s gone wrong.

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