Beyond Sleepy’s (pillow fort?) study log

If the bubbles don’t “point” to anyone in the panel then it usually means they should be attributed to someone outside of the panel (or someone in the panel that it would be impractical to “point” to).


Okay! This will undoubtedly get me further along at least in terms of context and how I’m ultimately able to interpret what is happening :slight_smile: Thank you!


I read three pages of :four_leaf_clover:と! today. I struggled a bit with the instructions for using a swing by yourself, so if anyone could comment on my attempt at understanding it I’d be grateful :blush:

🍀🍀よつばと🍀🍀 pages 22-24

——— 22 ———


Ugh, she’s coming


What’s that?




“That” you say…


Are you asking about the swing?

(That the word for swing seems to be plank had me puzzled for a while)

——— 23 ———


Like this, this is how you play on it


Ooooh!! Me too! Me too! Yotsuba also wants to do it!!



おして おして‼︎

Push push!!


Yes yes :sweat_smile:

——— 24 ———


(Maybe:) It will move in reaction to you kicking your feet/You can make it move by kicking

(I’m not sure if I parsed this correctly, or even if it’s つ or っ)


Well, see you~

——— end ———

Further plans for today:

  • actually do some uni-studying.
  • watch a Cure Dolly video (I’ve been slacking)

Great job! :slight_smile:

:grimacing: Eek 3 pages, I hope I have the mental energy to keep up with you!!


Ah, I did three again because one of the pages had very little text/grammar. I think all three pages together have less text than some of the pages we have read previously, so hopefully you should be fine😊

But if I’m going too fast just say so and I’ll slow down👍


Okay good to know! I don’t think it would be the end of the world if you got a little ahead of me either, but I’d like to stay on pace with you if I can! My understanding of grammar is so minimal at this point it is definitely a struggle for me. I’m going to try to not use as much and “pick out” vocab as best I can, Jisho kanji, and see if that helps at all. Also reading the bubbles correctly :sweat_smile:


Tell you what, if I feel like reading more manga I’ll start reading からかい上手の高木さん in parallel🙃 But if I have that kind of energy/motivation I think I should probably channel it into listening somehow.

Or university… but

That’s also why we’re attempting this at our level, right? To encounter, learn, and reinforce vocab and grammar in context while having fun. So please don’t be discouraged, the grammar probably stays at the same level throughout the series, so we’ll hopefully notice it getting easier and easier chapter by chapter, or at least volume by volume as we improve :smiley:

Yeah, it’s great practice! I think our brains are more likely to remember information when it has a go at interpreting things first, rather than getting the answers handed to it (to some degree) to begin with.


Yes, correct! I just always get frustrated with my trial and error approach until I actually feel like I get some sort of “method” down that works for me. I hope the grammar stays at the same level. I should probably start looking in to inputting my own grammar into Torii.

And when I don’t feel like a slug! Yesterday was better but today I’m down again + snow storm. Blech! :slightly_frowning_face:


I found the series started getting “easier” around volume three, but I had been reading some other manga before I seriously jumped into reading Yotsuba.


Ah, I hope you’ll feel better soon. Don’t push yourself.

Personally I find snowstorms cozy (I’m from Northern Norway so maybe it’s just a mental defense mechanism:p). Sitting inside with a hot drink is at least five times better when there’s a snowstorm :upside_down_face::dash::snowflake::snowflake::snowflake:

btw, I’m out of likes so have this for now ❤️


I usually find them cozy too! It’s just my not feeling so great + my apartment being dark. I like the feeling that “most people” are at home right now like I always am :laughing:

Wohoo! Thank you for the token!!! I’ve been slackin’ with my likes lately, I still have 86 and it’s early in the day! Perhaps I will raid the poll thread before bed :stuck_out_tongue:

1 Like

I suspect given my low low level that I’ll be seeing some improvements in compression before the end of this volume🙃


Not sure if you started :four_leaf_clover: yet! I actually remembered to look ahead to see the amount of text, and I’m wondering: perhaps 25, 26, 27 (no text) and 28 today? Just seems fairly doable to me :slight_smile:


I’ll look at it in a bit, have to catch a bus now:)


I went ahead and read 25-28, and it went by fairly quickly! Even though 29 seems short, all the “weird font” text intimidates me :laughing:


すくぱんぱん “suku pan pan” is just the sound of brushing down and patting sand off :four_leaf_clover:’s shorts. びゃん “byan” is a sound that indicates fast acceleration:)

I haven’t started translating yet, but I did read through the rest of the chapter and felt I was able to understand about 80% of the remaining text without looking anything up, so it’s definitely easier than the start of the chapter :smiley: I’m also already encountering vocab from the Anki deck so this has me feeling super motivated :star_struck:



I don’t know how you figured this out, but my imagination was somewhat there!

WOW go you! Most kanji I don’t even know yet, and the best I could do is if I did recognize a kanji or vocab, possibly get the idea based on the pictures! Great job!!!

Woohoo! I love when I encounter a vocab from Torii, which I should get back to soon. I like Lapis a lot, but unfortunately it’s still in beta and misses a fair amount kana vocab that I input. But, when it does work it makes flash cards so easily! The creator said he might turn back on the feature for easier kana identification, but he just wants it to be more accurate than other options out there, so he’s been keeping it turned off.

Anyway my plans for the rest of the day is to finally start MNN!


Here are three pages of :four_leaf_clover:と!

🍀🍀🍀 よつばと pages 25, 26, and 28 🍀🍀🍀

——— 25 ———


What a strange child…


Swing (I have no idea what’s going on here save me)

あ、そういえば うちの隣の空き家に新しい人がくるって

Ah, that’s right, new people are coming (to live) in our empty neighboring house


Could it be that

——— 26 ———


Waaa waaaa!!


Hands! Hands! You mustn’t let go with your hands!! (letting go is bad)



——— 28 ———

だ 大丈夫⁉︎ 大丈夫だった⁉︎

A- are you alright !? Did you hurt yourself!?

——— end ———

That’s just from reading a lot of manga since the sound effects are often also translated.

Thank you :pray:

Good luck :four_leaf_clover::+1:


I read よつばと!Volume 1 pages 29-32 today:

here are my attempts at understanding them:p 🍀🍀🍀

——— 29 ———


Scary :frowning_with_open_mouth:

あっ⁉︎ ちょっと…

Ah!? Wait…

——— 30 ———


Ah, Ena! Good timing


Ah, Fuuka.


By the way, on your way back, did you see a strange child?


I did



——— 31 ———


Eeeh!? You did? Where?


There: she was at Ajisai (hydrangea) Park.


Is she there now?


No, she ran in the direction of the green building at the other end of the park.

——— 32 ———


She’s not here…

——— end ———

The last line on page 31 is the one I’m most uncertain about :face_with_raised_eyebrow: “the green building at the other end of the park” ? I didn’t see a building there at all, so it’s possible I’m misunderstanding something.


Your translations look really good to me.

I think it’s worth pointing out the use of も here.

The particle も, like は, marks a topic. It’s used when the comment that follows can be applied to “another” topic.

In this case, Ena says, on the topic of 「そこ」 (although she doesn’t use は, or any particle for that matter), いた (the completed/past form of いる).

Fuuka asks if (on the topic of) (いま) is also いる, if the “strange child” is also there now.

Thus, a slightly literal translation might be, “Is she there now also?”, although if we went for something more natural sounding in English we’d say “Is she still there?”

If you haven’t gotten to Cure Dolly’s video on も, I wouldn’t worry too much about the details yet.

For 向こう, I think “beyond” is the most fitting English counterpart from what you might find in a Japanese to English dictionary.

Although in English, we might more naturally say "away from".


Essentially, Yotsuba ran out of the park, in the direction of a nearby building, which happened to be green. We the readers don’t actually see the building. (I suppose it could be the one on page 32, panel two, but the artwork is black and white rather than colored, so…)