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I’m reading along
I’m still reading the book but I haven’t reached this chapter yet
Now that we’ve had our reintroduction to Akari, Alicia and Aika, now it’s time for our reintroduction to Akatsuki, Salamanders, and the idea that Neo Venezia is a near exact copy of Venice.
There’s a few panels where I’m not quite getting the gist of the grammar or dialect. Like, I have a fair idea of the meaning, but I just can’t quite pin down what the words are doing.
a) Page 88, fourth panel, 私達乙女には食欲の秋です
b) Page 92, fifth panel, what kind of conjugation is 現われやし[ない]?
c) Page 93, first panel, 待ちくたびれた
d) Page 101, second panel, ふと我に返る
I love how the first panel on page 101 so perfectly illustrates the difference between their personalities.
I’ve read this chapter so many times in the past, and only just now on this reading did I suddenly notice she’s wearing her usual backpack as a shoulder bag for the entire scene on the bridge. And for that matter, I only noticed halfway through the scene.
I love how the old man can still be seen walking along the bridge seven pages later.
I took this to mean that for us young girls, it’s the food that is the big deal about autumn (as opposed to the fashion or the autumn leaves etc)
I found this in the japanese app on iphone
does not
emphatic; usu. used after -masu stem of verb
definitely not showing up
again from the japanese app
1 to get tired, to be exhausted
2 to wear out, to be battered from long use
so 待ちくたびれる is to be reeeally tired of waiting, or something
ふと japanese app gave me the adverb “suddenly”
我に返る. return to yourself. what? I take this to mean to snap out of it, basically.
I don’t know how useful this was. I can’t pin down what the words are doing either. I at most get the gist. I hope none of you saw my original reply. At the last moment I found something that made me want to rethink a bunch. I was about to delete the whole thing, but I ended up doing some panic editing instead.
Right??? So adorable :3
I was a little concerned that アリア社長 was going to fall off the bridge on pg 106 and 107 though xD
My thoughts on Akatsuki this chapter
Still with the hair pulling -_- But I have to admit, he kind of started to win me over as the chapter went on. The way he lets アリア社長 climb all over him, and the way he’s holding him on the top of pg 100. The way he manages to feed the one tiny bird. That cute little smile on pg 115. That pose of embarrassment at the bottom of pg 116 xD
Alright, thanks! I thought it had to mean something else(because, well, a lion opening a bible didn’t seem to make a lot of sense, with how they don’t have hands and all), but I guess it doesn’t then. I’m guessing the thing it’s holding in the picture is supposed to be a bible, in that case?
Yes, exactly!
And while an actual lion holding a bible does not make much sense, it is an allegory for justice (正義の化身) and allegory do not make much sense in general. (To me at least; I guess I just don’t have the knowledge required to understand the symbolism)
For more info on specifically how the lion relates to Mark, Wikipedia! Fun fact: the Basilica di San Marco was originally built as a chapel to hold Mark’s bones, which two merchants of Venice smuggled out of Alexandria by hiding them in a barrel of pork (since the Muslim officials of the time wouldn’t search it). Whether they’re actually Mark’s bones is a whole different matter, but you can still see the reliquary if you pay a bit extra to enter the Basilica vaults.
Yeah, I too was confused and imagining some kind of more abstract meaning for this one.
Page 93
Bottom panel, speech bubble
I know what this must say based on context, but I don’t understand how the actual words end up meaning that
The first two lines are fine, but I don’t understand what’s going on in the final line. He’s saying something like “I don’t actually know [this town] all that well”, but there’s no negative
Page 95
Top-left panel
I literally have no idea what this means. What does the 気 bit add?!
Page 99
Bottom-left panel
Just want to check: does that よって come from 因る, meaning ‘to depend on’? So “the peace of this town rests on being protected by us!”
I laughed a lot at his face at the top of page 95. The smoulder! And then the dramatic pose + cat butt on page 99