API Version 2 changes in regards to SRS stages

Just here to add my voice and say I think it would be a shame to remove the “grace” hour, as others have called it. Last month my sleep schedule got messed up and my reviews shifted to the middle of the night. Thanks to the -hour I was able to get them back to around my normal time of 10-11p.m.


As a person who would’ve missed the schedule today if not for the extra hour: please keep it!
I’m very much indebted to it and utilize it almost every time I want to go from Apprentice 4 of the last level to Apprentice 3 in the next level in the same day!


Aw come on! I was finally getting back on track after having been sick for a whole month (not Covid) and having my schedule completely disrupted and now it’s gonna go awry again…
Please don’t change the -1 hour feature.


Hey this is the first time im writing something here, but im really concerned about how this might affect my schedule and overall learning performance.

I think its not a good idea to change the intervals like this. It really helps getting back on schedule when you miss your reviews by an hour or two, because even then you can get back to your normal schedule in a day or two.

If the System gets changed to full days only, the only way to get back to the normal schedule is to skip all reviews for a day, and thats pretty couterproductive i’d say.

I really like the intervals the way they are now so i hope you can implement an option to keep the old interval system, or at least maybe someone can create a script to do that.


Hi! Just to add my voice (and some balance) - I couldn’t care less. I don’t learn on a strict Schedule and so I don’t see this affecting me. And there will be plenty others like me who aren’t on the forum or can’t be bothered to post.


I’m also sad to see the loss of the 1-hour. Not because of speeding through or strict schedules or anything like that.

But like several others have said, it’s a way to control your review times. If I have people round and don’t get to my reviews until quite late, it’s a bit depressing to think they’ll be forever stuck at that time. I like to gradually draw my reviews down into the morning so that I don’t have too many in the evenings.

I can potentially leave them overnight, but then that starts to contribute to uneven review loads from day to day, and makes it harder to be consistent about reviewing.

Eh. It’s not the worst thing in the world, but I always felt like the 1-hour thing was a feature.


First of all, thanks for keeping us in the loop.

I am writing to add my voice to all the others who want the -1 hour feature to stay. It has been extremely helpful the few times I remembered too late to do my reviews. And I think it’s a good feature for everyone who has a schedule, not only those who are trying to level up fast… It gives just the right amount of leeway to avoid having Wanikani clash with “real life”.


I really liked that reviews gradually got became available earlier in the day. This allowed me to do the day’s new items 20:00, the last day’s 19:00, and the items from the day before that 18:00. So the reviews which otherwise would have had to be done in a single hour can currently be split into three, which is a lot more manageable.


Hi, beautiful people,

I’m also of the opinion that the -1h interval system should stay! As many other have pointed out before, it allows for much more flexibility.

If I always were to do my reviews perfectly on time, this new update would not affect me at all, as I could simply wait an additional hour and keep the same schedule. But if I accidentally missed a review session (or if it took me more than one hour to complete), I could never get things alligned again. As I see it, this new update would not add additional benefits, but it would remove a very nice WaniKani feature.

Thank you for taking our concerns into account :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Please please please keep the -1 hour timings. It is important to be able to maintain a consistent schedule with Wanikani. Currently if I’m late with some reviews, I know I’ll be able to get back to the normal schedule quickly, but if you take away the grace hour, that will be impossible and things will forever get out of whack.


I don’t mind the change


Dont you plan to reset to lvl 1?

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Nah. I’ll export my burned items to Anki and let the intervals get bigger


I also wish to keep the -1 hour feature mainly for the apprentice items. I don’t have a schedule for reviews but as I want to keep a regular sleeping hour it really helps to be able to do the reviews a bit earlier.
I think of that hour as time I use to do my pile of reviews~


Yeah I agree!


Please consider keeping the old SRS system please.


Exactly, and this should be obvious. People who don’t need that extra hour can just keep using it as if the intervals are 24 hours long, while people who do need it (and tons of people do) can make use of that.

The explanation given by the WK team here seems rather arbitrary and unsatisfactory to be honest.


To me it sounds like it was never intended, so it’s a “bug” that they’re finally fixing.

But for their users it’s actually been seen as a feature/design choice, and now they’re reading this feedback.


Yeah, that makes some sense. They could just have never realized that this was a useful thing.


Please consider keeping the SRS system as it is with -1 hour if possible