Could there be a bug in the /reviews endpoint? It seems to me that spaced_repetition_system_id is erroneously often set to 1 instead of 2.
For example, for my very first review of the seven radical (Aaah, those were the days. So young! So naive…):
{'id': 421703096, 'object': 'review', 'url': 'https://api.wanikani.com/v2/reviews/421703096', 'data_updated_at': '2020-06-14T00:02:59.379614Z', 'data': {'created_at': '2018-11-17T16:14:44.423160Z', 'assignment_id': 119370734, 'subject_id': 4, 'spaced_repetition_system_id': 1, 'starting_srs_stage': 1, 'ending_srs_stage': 1, 'incorrect_meaning_answers': 1, 'incorrect_reading_answers': 0}}
The subjects endpoint correctly returns it as having srs_id 2.