Since you are on android, you can get some improvements to your experience by installing one of the third-party mobile apps. Most people seem to like Flaming Durtles. It includes the ability to undo typos when answering.
This is a third-party script/app and is not created by the WaniKani team. By using this, you understand that it can stop working at any time or be discontinued indefinitely.
Flaming Durtles is now live on the Google Play Store! Grab it here:
What is it?
A native Android app that uses the V2 API. No web view, you have to create a V2 API key on the WK site and put it into the app to get it to work.
Fully searchable …
EDIT: it seems there’s also a way to install third-party scripts on android, but for firefox:
So, recently I found out that (most) userscripts can now be used through Firefox on Android by installing an addon called violentmonkey .
After finding out about it I made some quick changes to some popular userscripts so that they work with mobile (most use keyboard shortcuts or don’t work with touch) as I found that the android app was a bit lacking in userscript support (no offence, love the app though!)
The ones that I currently use and found working:
WK dashboard progress plus
WK overrid…