Any advice on my kanji definitions?

I made a book of 幕の内 division 力士 names with simple kanji definitions. Now, when I watch 大相撲 each day, I can recall the kanji, and work on reading the stylized calligraphy used at the bouts. I tried to go with the most simple definition from here or jisho, and also tried to choose definitions that made logical sense.

I am delighted by ones like “Depart the Castle” and “Distant Wisteria”

I am sure that some of you with more kanji knowledge than I could suggest better definitions on a few. Thank you to anyone who is able to help me perfect this.

{ name \ hiragana \ kanji \ definition \ … }

{阿炎\あび\阿 corner\炎 fire}
{朝乃山\あさのやま\朝 morning \乃 \山 mountain }
{碧山\あおいやま\碧 blue green\山 mountain}
{千代丸\ちよまる\千 thousand \代 age \丸 circle }
{千代大龍\ちよたいりゅう\千 thousand \代 age\大 big \龍 dragon }
{大栄翔\だいえいしょう\大 big \栄 prosperity \翔 fly}
{大翔鵬\だいしょうほう\大 big \翔 fly\鵬 phoenix}
{遠藤\えんどう\遠 distant\藤 wisteria}
{炎鵬\えんほう\炎 fire\ 鵬 phoenix}
{豪栄道\ごうえいどう\豪 great\栄 prosperity\道 road}
{白鵬\はくほう\白 white \鵬 phoenix}
{北勝富士\ほくとふじ\北 north\勝 win\ 富 wealth\士 samurai}
{逸ノ城\いちのじょう\逸 depart\ノ \城 castle }
{輝\かがやき\輝 radiance}
{鶴竜\かくりゅう\鶴 crane\竜 dragon}
{魁聖\かいせい\魁 charge ahead \聖 master}
{琴恵光\ことえこう\琴 koto \恵 blessing\ 光 light}
{琴奨菊\ことしょうぎく\琴 koto\奨 exhort\菊 chrysanthemum}
{琴勇輝\ことゆうき\琴 koto\勇 courage\輝 radiance}
{明生\めいせい\明 bright\生 life}
{御嶽海\みたけうみ\御 honorable\嶽 peak\海 sea}
{妙義龍\みょうぎりゅう\妙 exquisite\義 righteous\龍 dragon}
{錦木\にしきぎ\錦 brocade\木 tree\winged spindle tree}
{隠岐の海\おきのうみ\隠 conceal\岐 branch\の\ 海 sea\(born in 隠岐の島町)}
{阿武咲\おうのしょう\阿 corner\武 warrior\咲 blossom}
{竜電\りゅうでん\竜 dragon\電 electricity}
{佐田の海\さだのうみ\佐 help\田 rice field\の\海 sea}
{志摩ノ海\しまのうみ\志 plan\摩 chafe\ノ\海 sea\ (志摩町, 志摩国, 志摩市 etc …) }
{正代\しょうだい\正 correct\代 substitute}
{松鳳山\しょうほうざん\松 pine tree\鳳 male mythical bird\山 mountain}
{貴源治\たかげんじ\貴 precious\源 source\治 rule}
{貴景勝\たかけしょう\貴 precious\景 view\勝 victory}
{宝富士\たからふじ\宝 treasure\富 wealth\士 samurai}
{高安\たかやす\高 tall\安 relaxed}
{玉鷲\たまわし\玉 jewel\鷲 bird}
{照強\てるつよし\照 illuminate\強 strength}
{栃ノ心\とちのしん\栃 horse chestnut\ノ\心 heart}
{栃煌山\とちおうざん\栃 horse chestnut\煌 glitter\山 mountain}
{友風\ともかぜ\友 friendly\風 wind}
{豊ノ島\とよのしま\豊 bountiful\ノ\島 island}
{矢後\やご\矢 arrow\後 back}

If you are curious, here is how it looks: (hit the download link on the GitHub page)

Thank you to anyone who can help me perfect this! :slight_smile:


First one that caught my eye: 乃 is a kanji version of the posessive particle の.


I looked up his Wikipedia article, and he says he chose this name because it is phonetically the same as his master’s nickname for him, and it comes from the idea of 阿修羅のように強く、燃えて戦う. I’m pretty sure 阿修羅 is just ateji itself, so I would say that his 阿 actually just means “Asura” to him.

EDIT: I imagine many other rikishi have similar things in their articles.


That is why I just left it as is. Actually, I enjoy that in Sumo they use all three versions. の, ノ, 乃.


Four versions: の, ノ, 乃 and 之.

And then there’s ヶ, which performs the same function but is pronounced differently…


Many of the Sumo names adopt parts of their predecessors names, or for purely phonetic reasons. For the purposes of these definitions, I chose to ignore all of that because it is just too much information.

I may go through and add more of this info though. It is interesting that おきのうみ chose the name of his hometown, for instance. And that いちのじょう uses his Mongolian name for his Sumo name.

Sure yeah… it’s just I don’t think any of the actual meanings for that kanji would have the same effect as “Asura’s flame.”

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You are right about that one. “Corner Fire” is a little disappointing. “Asura’s flame” is simple and descriptive, so I think that I will change it to that.

I actually didn’t know about this one. It seems to be used lots in classical Chinese, and also in lots of Japanese names. Thank you for knowledge. :slight_smile:

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I live in a neighborhood that uses 之 for の!


I have much to learn. These little bits of new knowledge are what keeps me enthused about my studies.


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