Hello everyone!
I’m here to announce some changes we made to what we now call “verbal nouns”. Some of you have already noticed these throughout the last few content updates, and I’d like to give you a few more details.
Verbal nouns are a category of nouns which can be modified by attaching する to the end of them, effectively turning them into verbs. This class of nouns was called する verbs up to this point. However, we felt this label wasn’t quite clear enough, as many of these items were taught without a する actually attached to them.
As an example, 開始 is a verbal noun that can be modified with a する. We’ll call these “verbal nouns” going forward, and reserve the する verb label for all items that actually end on する, like 運転する.
This is only one part of the changes we planned, however, as the initial idea was something a little different: expanding the accepted meanings for verbal nouns to include more use cases. Verbal nouns as a category are incredibly flexible. When translated into English, they can turn into either nouns, verbs, or even adjectives. This high range of use wasn’t reflected in the meanings we allowed you to input on WaniKani in a lot of cases, so we wanted to clear this up, at least partially.
As you can imagine, there are a lot of verbal nouns on WaniKani, so for now, we focused on levels 1 to 10. This amounted to changes to 80 items. A lot of these previously only accepted pure noun meanings as viable answers. Our goal was to try and also add as many verbal meanings to these items as possible. For example, 決定 previously only accepted “decision” and “determination” as viable answers, which has now been expanded to also accept bare infinitives (”decide”, “determine”, “conclude”), and a range of other noun meanings (”ruling”, “verdict”, and more) as well. For other items, we added “gerunds” to the allow list, so 入力 now also accepts “entering” in addition to “enter” without giving you a typo warning.
You can find a list of all the changes, sorted by levels, attached below, in case you’re curious! As always, feel free to give us feedback on what you think about these changes, and if you’d like to see this expanded to further levels on WaniKani as well.
Thanks for reading, and good luck with your studies!
Levels 1-6 (22 items)
左右 (2) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, and added “influencing” and “controlling” to the allow list.
入力 (2) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, and added “entering” and “inputting” to the allow list.
中止 (3) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, and added “suspending”, “cancelling”, “stopping”, and “interrupting” to the allow list.
休止 (4) - Removed “する verb” and “の adjective” as word types, added “verbal noun” as a word type, added “suspend”, “suspending”, and “pausing” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.
不足 (4) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, added “lack” and “lacking” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.
代用 (4) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, added “alternative”, “alternate”, and “alternating” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.
花見 (4) - Removed “する verb” as a word type, added “hanami” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.
休学 (5) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, made “absence from school” the primary meaning, moved “absent from school” and “leave of absence” to the allow list, and added “take an absence from school” and “taking an absence from school” to the allow list.
作文 (5) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, added “journal”, “short composition”, “write”, “compose”, “essay writing” and “write an essay” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.
入社 (5) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, and added “join a company”, “start working at a company”, and “enter a company” to the allow list.
工作 (5) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, added “crafting” and “handiwork” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.
入学 (5) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, and added “enter school”, “enter a school”, “enroll in school”, and “enrolling in school” to the allow list.
自立 (5) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, and added “supporting oneself” to the allow list.
走行 (5) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, and added “travel”, “run”, “move”, and “drive” to the allow list.
出血 (6) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, and added “haemorrhage” and “hemorrhage” to the allow list.
生活 (6) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, and added “living”, “make a living”, “making a living”, and “live” to the allow list.
死亡 (6) - Removed “の adjective” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, and added “die” and “dying” to the allow list.
直行 (6) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, added “going straight”, “going direct”, “going without stopping”, “go straight”, “go direct” and “go without stopping” to the allow list, added “go indirect” and “going indirect” to the block list, and updated the meaning explanation.
安心 (6) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, and added “sense of security” and “sense of safety” to the allow list.
耳打ち (6) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, moved “whisper in someone’s ear” and added “whisper in your ear” and “whispering in someone’s ear” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.
出社 (6) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, and added “report to work” and “reporting to work” to the allow list.
活用 (6) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, and added “conjugate, “application”, “apply”, “applying”, “inflection”, “inflect”, and “conjugating” to the allow list.
Levels 7-8 (18 items)
交通 (7) - Removed “する verb” as a word type.
先回り (7) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, and added “arrive ahead” and “go ahead” to the allow list.
失礼 (7) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type.
自決 (8) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, added “commit suicide”, “committing suicide”, and “self-determination” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.
出所 (8) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, added “discharge from prison”, “releasing from prison”, “releasing from jail”, “discharging from prison”, “discharge from jail” and “discharging from jail” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.
助言 (8) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, added “counsel” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.
入場 (8) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, added “enter”, “admittance”, and “entry” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.
お知らせ (8) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, and added “notify” and “notifying” to the allow list.
助力 (8) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, added “assist”, “assisting”, “supporting”, “aid”, and “aiding” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.
決心 (8) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, and added “decide”, “determine”, “resolve”, “decision”, “make a decision”, “make up one’s mind”, “making a decision”, and “deciding” to the allow list.
反対 (8) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, and added “opposing”, “oppose”, “resistance”, “resist”, “resisting”, “objection”, “object”, “objecting” and “antagonism” to the allow list.
会話 (8) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, and added “talk”, “chat”, “talking”, “chatting”, “converse” and “conversing” to the allow list.
究明 (8) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, added “investigate”, “investigating”, “clarify”, “clarifying”, “ascertain”, “ascertaining”, “determine” and “determining” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.
対立 (8) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, and added “antagonism”, “clash”, “conflict”, “oppose” and “opposing” to the allow list.
入所 (8) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, added “incarceration”, “confinement”, “admit”, “enter” and “entering to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.
研究 (8) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, and added “investigate”, “investigating”, “studying” and “researching” to the allow list.
電話 (8) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, and added “call”, “calling”, “phone call” and “telephone call” to the allow list.
対する (8) - Added “to face” as the primary meaning, added “to be directed towards” as the alternative meaning, moved “to compare with,” “to face each other,” “to oppose,” “to compare,” “to contrast with” to the allow list, added “to be directed,” “to be directed to,” “to face,” “toward,” “to be in relation,” “to be face to face,” “to be facing” to the allow list, updated the meaning explanation, added two new context sentences and removed one sentence, and updated the collocations.
Level 9 (22 items)
使用 (9) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, added “usage”, “utilization”, “utilisation”, “apply” and “employ” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.
交代 (9) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as word type, and added “changing”, “substitute”, “shifting”, “take turns”, “alternation”, “alternate”, “alternating” and “rotation” to the allow list.
返事 (9) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, and added “replying”, “respond”, “responding” and “answering” to the allow list.
発表 (9) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, and added “announce”, “present”, “publication”, “presenting”, “statement”, “releasing”, “release”, “unveiling” and “unveil” to the allow list.
対談 (9) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, made “talk” the primary meaning, made “discussion” an alternative meaning, added “interview” as an alternative meaning, moved “conversation” and “dialogue” to the allow list, added “talking” and “discuss” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.
受験 (9) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, and moved “taking an examination” to the allow list.
出発 (9) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, and added “depart”, “departing”, “leave” and “leaving” to the allow list.
試験 (9) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, moved “exam” to the allow list, and added “examine” and “testing” to the allow list.
相談 (9) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, and added “counseling” and “counsel” to the allow list.
予定 (9) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, and added “planning”, “scheduling”, “estimation”, “program”, “agenda” and “timeline” to the allow list.
工事 (9) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, and added “construct” and “construction work” to the allow list.
発音 (9) - Removed “する verb” and “の adjective” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, and added “pronounce” to the allow list.
勝負 (9) - Removed “する verb” and “の adjective” and added “verbal noun” as a word type.
楽勝 (9) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, and added “blowout”, “breeze”, “cakewalk”, “a piece of cake”, “win easily”, “win with ease” and “easy peasy” to the allow list.
実験 (9) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, and added “experimentation” to the allow list.
仮定 (9) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, and added “supposition”, “assume”, “hypothesize”, “suppose”, “presumption” and “presume” to the allow list.
発見 (9) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, and added “finding”, “discover”, “detect” and “find” to the allow list.
体験 (9) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, and added “practical experience”, “personal experience”, “hands-on experience”, “first-hand experience” and “one’s own experience” to the allow list.
発売 (9) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, made “sale” the primary meaning, moved “for sale” and “item for sale” to the allow list, added “release”, “release for sale”, “offering for sale”, “launch”, “product launch”, “sell”, “launching”, “bring out”, “bringing out” and “product release” to the allow list, updated the meaning explanation, and updated one context sentence.
試食 (9) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, made “food sample” the primary meaning, moved “sample” to the allow list, added “sampling food”, “sample food”, “food tasting”, “tasting of food”, “taste-test” and “taste test” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.
決定 (9) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, and added “decide”, “determine”, “conclusion”, “conclude”, “ruling”, “verdict”, “resolution” and “resolve” to the allow list.
保持 (9) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, added “keep” as a primary meaning, added “hold”, “maintain” and “retain” as alternative meanings, moved “retention”, “maintenance” and “preservation” to the allow list, added “keeping”, “holding”, “maintaining”, “retaining”, “preserve”, “preserving” and “retainment” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.
Level 10 (18 items)
進行 (10) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, and added “moving forward”, “move forward”, “progression”, “progressing”, “advancing”, “proceed”, “procedure” and “advancement” to the allow list.
強調 (10) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, and added “emphasize”, “highlighting”, “underlining”, “underscoring”, “emphasizing”, “underline”, “underscore”, “stressing”, “accentuating”, “accentuate” and “accentuation” to the allow list.
近道 (10) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, and added “take a shortcut”, “shorter way”, “short route” and “shorter route” to the allow list.
作業 (10) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, moved “task” from the allow list to visible meanings, moved “manufacturing” to the allow list, added “job”, “labor” and “working” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.
開始 (10) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, added “begin”, “starting”, “open”, “initiation”, “initiate”, “initiating”, “commencement”, “commence” and “commencing” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.
転送 (10) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, moved “transmission” to the allow list, added “forward”, “transferring” and “transmit” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.
集中 (10) - Removed “する verb” and “の adjective” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, moved “focusing” to the allow list, made “focus” an alternative meaning, added “concentrate”, “centralization”, “centralisation”, “convergence”, “centralize”, “centralise”, “converge” and “concentrating” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.
開発 (10) - Removed “する verb” and “の adjective” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, and added “exploitation”, “exploit”, “develop” and “developing” to the allow list.
入院 (10) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, moved “admission to a hospital” to the allow list, added “entering a hospital”, “enter a hospital”, “institutionalization”, “stay at a hospital” and “staying at a hospital” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.
要求 (10) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, and added “firm request”, “demanding”, “require”, “requiring”, “requesting” and “requisition” to the allow list.
集金 (10) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, and updated the meaning explanation.
回転 (10) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, made “revolve” the primary meaning, moved “revolution” to the allow list, and added “turnover”, “revolving”, “rotating”, “spin”, “spinning”, “turn” and “turning to the allow list.
進化 (10) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, and added “become more advanced”, “becoming more advanced”, “development” and “develop” to the allow list.
公開 (10) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, added “release”, “release to the public”, “publish to the public”, “publish”, “make available to the public”, “making available to the public” and “publication” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.
終了 (10) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, added “ending”, “finishing”, “closing”, “completion”, “conclusion”, “complete” and “conclude” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.
求人 (10) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, added “job posting” as the primary meaning, moved “recruitment” and “help wanted” to the allow list, added “job offer”, “job postings”, “job ad”, “job ads”, “hiring”, “seek workers”, “employment offer”, “job offering” and “job recruitment” to the allow list, and updated the meaning and reading explanations.
開業 (10) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, moved “opening of business” to the allow list, added “open a business”, “start a business”, “establishing a business”, “establishment of business” and “establish a business” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.
心配 (10) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type, moved “worry” to the allow list, and added “worrying”, “uneasiness”, “fear”, “anxious”, “concerned”, “anxiousness” and “care” to the allow list.