I just wanted to provide some user feedback that I’m already missing the “Session Review” summary page.
When I wrap up a session, either immediately after or some time in between the next session, I usually have a “awww, what was that word again?” moment and often use the session review page to single out one or two words that I want to brush up on.
I understand that there’s the “Extra Study” feature where I can review and practice recent mistakes, however I don’t often have the time to sift through 50+ recent mistakes looking for the one I specifically wanted to review.
I also miss it, I really liked it whenever I did a large amount of reviews and I would see the wall of items that I just went through. It was really satisfying and I think an option to turn that back on would be nice.
Exactly. The review summary page is extremly important. I can’t find the time to go through a list of my recent mistakes. Please bring back the old website.
Same, this is a major pain in the ass. The extra study feature does NOT cover the same functionality that the session review page did. I don’t understand why you would remove this, especially since I’ve never seen anyone ask.
It was definitely helpful having a full overview of what you missed or learned new in a lesson. Being able to look at the items all at once is not the same as getting them one after another in the extra study part.
This is my first message on the forum but I just wanted to say…
Yeah ! Bring it back ! It was essential for so many reasons ! It summed up your progression, you could also single out leeches and mistakes on it… and it was motivational when you got everything right !
A lot of the changes I don’t mind as a new user but the summary was great !
Nothing motivated me more to continue after a bad session than seeing a couple of burns in there, especially some that I struggled with for a long time. Like, I remember 今日 being a thorn in my side for a long time, and then finally seeing that burn was cathartic, even if the session was a low 70 accuracy wise. And yes, I know that word is low level, it is just an exception and my brain doesn’t like 'em. Really hope I will have a similar moment for 昨日, but for that, I will need summary to even realize what I just burned in a single session!
Please, I struggle happily through the migraine inducing UI, if need be, (but I’d prefer if you’d fix it on PC), but I need the motivation!
I already posted about this in the main thread, but the summary page was a core part of my strategy for maintaining a steady pace without getting overwhelmed with surprise review bombs. In order to know how much new content I can take on, I need to know how many reviews I’ve done in a day. The summary page was an imperfect proxy for this, but it was the only information available towards that end. This throws a major wrench in my study plan.