Allow defining user wrong answers

I usually like how lenient wanikani can be with answers close to the right meanings, but sometimes it’s off. For instance, I gave the answer ‘special’ for 得意, which I don’t think should count. It probably counted it as being close enough to the alternate meaning ‘specialty’, but those two words don’t mean the same thing, imo. I don’t really want credit for that answer, and I don’t want it reinforced if I keep answering it that way.

It’d be nice if, similar to ‘user synonyms’, we had a ‘user wrong answers’ that we could define if we come across this situation so I could tell wanikani I don’t want credit for certain leniencies.


tbh you are right, idk why its like that lol
maybe it’ll get fixed or i could ask someone on bunpro why it is that way :yum:

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@Mods thoughts?

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As a temporary fix (for this specific word), but also for those who are generally very particular about their vocab learning, some users use the Double Check script to mark answers as incorrect where they feel their answer was accepted when it shouldn’t have been. The script can be used as a get out of jail free card for typos, but you can also use it to redo your answer when you get it ‘correct’ but feel like you shouldn’t have.

E.g. For 得意, you type in ‘special’ and WK marks it as correct. You can then click the ‘retype’ button to reset the field (so that your correct answer is no longer counted), then enter something random like ‘お’ so that it’s then marked as incorrect. You can keep doing this until you start inputting an answer you believe to be acceptable.


すごいいい〜!ありがとうございました~! :blush:


Thanks for the feedback! I’ll share the idea of a “user wrong answers” with the team but in the meantime, you can always let us know either via the two dedicated content threads (here and here) or directly by emailing us at and we can then add those incorrect answers to the blocklist for everyone.

For now, I’ll get “special” added to the blocklist for 得意.