A Dictionary of Japanese Grammar [aDoJG] šŸ’® Reading Club // [Currently reading the Advanced edition]

Hey everyone! Iā€™ve been working on something in my spare time (instead of actually doing my reading :sweat_smile:). I often like to look up grammar in multiple dictionaries to get a different viewpoint, so I wanted an easy way to cross-reference between dictionaries. That is, given an entry in DOJG I can easily see what pages that same topic is covered in other places.

Hereā€™s what Iā€™ve come up with:

To use, go to the sheet for ā€œDOJGā€ (or another grammar dictionary), find the row with the entry you want, then look at the right few columns to see the pages it appears in other dictionaries.

The dictionaries covered so far:

  • Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar - I plan on expanding to more than just ā€œbasicā€ in the near future. It shouldnā€™t be a lot of work, but I havenā€™t done it yet because there are some weird exceptions in how the entries are formatted.
  • A handbook of Japanese Grammar Patterns - I often find this easier to read than DOJG. More modern and uses furigana.
  • A Dictionary of Japanese Particles - Handy reference but only covers common particles.

Questions and comments are welcome. Please let me know if there are any mistakes. I can also add more dictionaries if there is a good way to get the index data for it (so far I just added the ones that Iā€™ve found useful and own a physical copy of).

You can see the code for info on the data sources and to get a copy of the data in CSV form.