Fell a bit further behind because it’s tournament season, which means it’s crunch time for translating TJPW
. But I got caught up just before the show today, which means I have a little bit more time again!
Caught a ないで in the Wrestle Universe live chat while watching DDT Pro Wrestling Wrestle Peter Pan 2023, haha:
Context: Sanshiro Takagi, the 大社長 (Mr. Haku always translated this as "Big Boss") of DDT, was doing quite a bit in his match despite coming back from a recent injury (and he'd injured his shoulder before and still struggles somewhat with it). That fan's sentiment above was basically exactly how I was feeling at this moment:
The Wrestle Universe has no identifying information attached to the comments (no names or profile pictures or anything), so you really don’t know anyone’s gender or any other details about them unless they volunteer that info in their comments.
This was probably the hardest thing in my beginner textbook for me. Lots of syllables to memorize when you’re still very new to the language! Now the main thing I struggle with is figuring out the different nuances between the different ways of expressing obligation that the related expression note talks about:
なくてはならない / いけない
ないといけない / *ならない
ならない / *いけない
I went looking for some examples in Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling, and found 0 examples with the full なければならない phrase. There were also none for なくてはならない, but I found 7 instances of ないといけない!
Here's an example from the TJPW show on 2023.01.15 after Free Wi-Fi (Hikari Noa and Nao Kakuta) lost in the tag tournament:
Hard mode: here’s the video. I guess additional context is that in a previous show, they talked about wanting to win so that their faces would get used to represent the dot in the wifi signal, haha.
Hikari: “I’m disappointed at the result, but this is the first time I’ve had a partner who has lasted more than a year.” (laughs) “That whole last year, whether it’s my partner, or the belt, they’ve each become more and more important to me as time passes. I don’t want us to break up, and there’s always been a bit of fumbling.”
Kakuta: “Yes, that’s true.”
Hikari: “But we were able to do the tournament together again this year… Even though we lost, I think that if we can have more and more fun wrestling as Free WiFi, the results will follow. Please keep supporting us!” (cries)
Kakuta: “People have always said to me, ‘You’re not quitting, are you?’ But even though we got our matching gear together for this opportunity, and today we really put our fighting spirit into it… I’ve lost all three of my tournaments to Yamashita-san. Two years in a row with the singles tournament, and I lost to her again today. I felt sorry, but even though I’m still losing, all I can do is be optimistic about it. I’m frustrated, but I’m thinking about the future of Free WiFi, and we’re going to keep growing. I won’t quit!"
Hikari: “We have to become the poster girls, so let’s do our best.”
Kakuta: “Free WiFi is going to do our best to be positively unbreakable!”
I found a few instances of ならない, but not really great ones to share, haha.
By far the most common in this setting seems to be the contracted version, なきゃ. 27 uses popped up in my document for the first half of this year.
Here are a few examples from the TJPW show on 2023.03.06, which was the last preview match before Mizuki faced Yuka Sakazaki at Grand Princess:
Hard mode: here’s the video.
遠藤「私は有明前、鈴芽さんとの前哨戦? 久しぶりに闘って、楽しかったって思っちゃったんですよ。でもやっぱり楽しかったじゃなくて、有明では勝って、追い抜きたいと思いました」
Endo: “Before Ariake, I had a preview match with Suzume-san. I thought it was fun to fight for the first time in a long time. But it being fun is beside the point. I want to beat her at Ariake and surpass her.”
Miyamoto: “I’m really disappointed that I lost, and I took a lot of damage… I really felt Yuka-san’s strength, as well as that of Arai-san and Suzume-san, who are both from my generation. I have to get stronger.”
Mizuki: “Well… right now, the only thing I can think about is that I regret not being able to protect Moka-chan. I don’t know if Yuka-chi was able to truly face me. But when I saw Arisu-chan and Moka-chan fighting, I felt like I had to work harder, too. I want to get strong enough to be able to protect them. We’re definitely rivals, catching up to and surpassing each other, and I want to do my best. I am going to put all of my feelings into Ariake.”
This one isn’t too tricky, though I appreciated the related expressions section detailing a bit of the nuance there. I’m starting to get more of a feel for that sort of thing gradually.
Here's a なくなる example from the TJPW show on 2023.04.15, where Maki Itoh lost her voice, haha.
Here’s the video. I don’t have a full transcript of this one, only the twitter caption, but here’s the line:
Kamifuku: “(Itoh) lost her voice in exchange for glory.”
I had some trouble with this one in the past, mostly getting it confused with なくても and なくてもいい and other expressions, though I don’t think I’ve had issues in a while, so maybe I got that ironed out, haha.
Here's a なくて example (with a じゃなくて in there, too) from the TJPW show on 2023.04.15 after Suzume challenged Rika Tatsumi for her International Princess Championship.
Hard mode: here’s the video.
Suzume: “I’ve wrestled many times for the right to challenge for that belt, but each time, I couldn’t reach it, and each time, I felt frustrated. In some respects, I was thinking that it was impossible for me to hold that belt. But this time, my title challenge was set not through a pre-arranged opportunity, but through my own will. I felt that it was impossible, but the most impossible thing in my life, becoming a pro wrestler… I had managed to make that happen. I really want to defeat Rika-san and achieve the impossible, wrapping that belt around my waist.”
(The champion has designated the next Korakuen Hall show)
“Yes. I’m just going to go with this feeling.”
The related expressions note commented that the cause and effect relation indicated by なくて is much weaker and more indirectly presented than that of なかったから or なかったので, with なかったから being the most direct.
I went looking for some other examples, and found a funny instance of なかったから, haha. This is after the TJPW show on 2023.01.08 in Yuki Aino's hometown, which is also the hometown of her sister Nodoka Tenma, who retired from wrestling in 2022 to become a rice farmer in her hometown. Yuki Kamifuku and Rika Tatsumi were Yuki Aino and Shoko Nakajima's opponents, and their team lost.
Hard mode: here’s the video.
Tatsumi: “The reason we lost is because we didn’t eat Yuki’s sister’s delicious rice before the match.”
Kamifuku: “That’s right.”
Tatsumi: “Because I didn’t eat this…”
Kamifuku: “Ah, I’m pissed. She beat me. Let’s go burn down her fields.”
Tatsumi: “Mm-hmm. I think the show itself was a huge success.”
Kamifuku: “Okayama is a really warm and pleasant place.”
Tatsumi: “Everyone is so kind. We’ll come back again.”
Kamifuku: “Next time, I’m burning down the rice fields.”
Tatsumi: “We’re burning them.”
Kamifuku: “I’ll bring gasoline.”
I found some examples of なかったので, too.
Here are two from the TJPW show on 2023.01.15 after Yuki Arai and Saki Akai advanced in the tag team tournament:
Hard mode: here’s the video.
(Daydream are your next opponents)
“My mental image of Daydream had them holding the tag belts. We also had the tag belts until very recently, so we can’t lose to them here either. I am well-acquainted with Tatsumi, since the olden days. Yuki-chan also knows how scary Rika and Miu are.”
Arai: “I also teamed up with Moka-san in the tournament last year, but we couldn’t advance because we lost to Daydream. This year, I want to take revenge with Akai-san.”
Akai: “We are moving up the staircase step by step, so in that sense, I want to take a big step up by beating Daydream next.”
(They blocked the Double Rookie of the Year Award with a pillow)
“The Double Rookie of the Year Award is our original move, and it’s a move that only we can do, which means we treasure it greatly and didn’t think it could be evaded like that… I want the referee to be a little more strict with his checks.”
Akai: “I’m going to take out my anger on Daydream in the next match.”
I saw this and was like “oh a pretty straightforward one!” then turned the page and saw the very long section of notes, haha. I thought note 4 was really interesting, how S1 なら S2 cannot be used if it is nonsensical to suppose the truth of S1.
There are a billion uses of this in my translations, but here's one that I thought was particularly entertaining. This was from the press conference on 2023.04.18 before Pom Harajuku and Max The Impaler challenged Mizuki and Yuka Sakazaki for the tag titles. Pom signed the contract for the match, then got very worried when Max didn't show up to the contract signing, haha.
I’ve definitely posted pieces from this before, but I don’t know if I’ve shared this chunk specifically.
Sakazaki: “If Max isn’t there, Pom is so small and weak, we can relax.” (laughs) “It doesn’t look like Max’ll be there, so." (to Mizuki) “Let’s have fun sightseeing in Osaka.”
Mizuki: “Yes. First of all, though, if they don’t show up, is the match even going to happen?”
Pom: “I won’t do it if they’re not there!”
Mizuki: “But if Pom-chan says she wants to do it, it’s alright if it’s 2 on 1. As long as Max isn’t there, we have nothing to be afraid of.”
Sakazaki: “We really can relax, huh?”
Mizuki: “How nice for us!”
Sakazaki: “It’s our lucky day!”
I also looked for んなら and のなら, and funnily enough, even though this is all spoken Japanese, there wasn’t a んなら, but I did find a のなら!
This is from Shino Suzuki's debut match on 2023.03.06, where she debuted in a match with her fellow idols in the Up Up Girls:
Hard mode: here’s the video.
Miu: “Congratulations on your debut, Shino-chan!”
Hikari & Raku: “Congrats!”
Shino: (crying) “I’m at a loss for words… It doesn’t feel like something that’s really happening in my life.”
Hikari: “We’re getting more members, and as far as debuting goes…”
Hikari: “I’m remembering when we made our own debut.” (laughs) “I lost my own debut match, so I wanted to win in our new member’s debut."
Hikari: “If it was fun, then there’s no problem. You’re going to be fine.”
Pro wrestling is a setting that often favors impolite imperatives, not polite ones, haha, so I wasn’t sure how many of these I’d find, and from a quick search, it looks like there aren’t many.
I found just one example in this year's document that wasn't in a ごめんなさい or other such phrases. This was from the TJPW show on 2023.03.22, which was Miyu Yamashita's last match before her U.S. excursion.
Hard mode: here’s the video.
Yamashita: “This was my last TJPW match before I go to the U.S.”
Itoh: “You should show some reluctance to part. You’re totally unemotional.”
Yamashita: “No I’m not! I mean… I’m just going to be away for a little bit. That’s all. I’ll be back soon.”
Itoh: “When are you coming back?”
Yamashita: “I’m scheduled to return on June 26 for the Fukuoka show. But I don’t know what will happen. I don’t know if I’ll still be alive.”
Itoh: “I hope you’ll be alive.”
There are approximately a billion examples of this in my translations, haha, so I don’t think I’ll hunt any specific ones down (I say that, but…). I think I already mentioned this at some point, but the intonation thing mentioned in note 2 is something I’ve been trying to work on when listening, but I’m not always great at catching it.
Note 3’s point about ね being used in non-sentence-final position to draw the hearer’s attention to something or confirm that the hearer has understood what has been said up to that point is something that I’ve absolutely seen many, many times, haha.
I did look for からね, and found a fun example after Hyper Misao and Shoko Nakajima defeated the team of Andreza Giant Panda and Haruna Neko at Grand Princess on 2023.03.18:
Hard mode: here’s the video.
Nakajima: “We’re the strongest!”
Nakajima: “We’re the strongest. In the biggest battle on earth, I think I proved that the Big Kaiju is the strongest giant creature in the world.”
Misao: “Operation Ariake, I thought for a bit there it was going to be a failure, but we won in the end, so I would say that the operation was a success.”
Nakajima: “With this, we’ve protected peace on earth!”
Misao: “And so we’ve protected the peace at Ariake Coliseum, and at TJPW’s biggest show. It’s all thanks to us!”
Nakajima: “That’s right!”
Misao: “Kyoraku Kyomei is the strongest!”
Nakajima: “We’re the strongest!”
There are loads of よね examples, but I found one post-match comments video with three separate uses of it, haha.
This is from the TJPW show on 2023.05.20 after Hikari Noa, Nao Kakuta, and Wakana Uehara lost in the one-day trios tournament.
Hard mode: here’s the video. Some additional context is that they spent the lead-up to this show telling everyone else “if we win, treat us to a meal”.
Kakuta: “What did you want to eat?”
Kakuta: “Yakiniku, huh? I wanted to see you stuff yourself.”
Hikari: “Got along well, huh?”
Hikari: “The other side?”
角田「え、むこうが? こっちじゃなくて? いやここ3人初めてだったけど、よかった。楽しかったよね。でも負けちゃって…」
Kakuta: “Huh, them? Not us? No, for us, even though it was our first time as a trio, it went well. It was fun, wasn’t it? Even though we lost…”
Hikari: “But if we win next time…”
Kakuta: “Then it’ll be the victory celebration party, Hikari’s treat, at an all-you-can-eat yakiniku place. You want kalbi, right?”
上原「はい! 特上カルビ!」
Uehara: “Yes! Top of the line kalbi!”
Kakuta: “I’m looking forward to it.”
Hikari: “I’ll go at YU-M Entertainment’s expense.”
I also went looking for かね, and found a few examples.
Here's one from 2023.06.04 after both Yuki Aino and Arisu Endo came forward to challenge for Rika Tatsumi's International Princess championship at the same time, and she suggested they have a number one contender's match to determine her next challenger:
Hard mode: here’s the video (the part quoted below starts around 1:41).
(Your choice to have a number one contender’s match felt like it was made calmly)
Tatsumi: “I am a calm champion at all times.”
Tatsumi: “I can make calm decisions.”
(Did you expect to suddenly have two people make an appeal?)
“Hey, I’m super popular, huh? I’d love to accept both of their title challenges, but unfortunately I just have one body. So the two of them can determine which of them will get to go first.”
(“Which one goes first,” does that mean you will accept both challenges?)
“Well, that depends on the match. We’ll see.”
Alright, I think I’m stopping there for now! I finally made it to the に’s!!