舞妓さんちのまかないさん・Kiyo in Kyoto 👘 (Beginner Book Club) - Week 3

Welcome to Week 3 of the 舞妓さんちのまかないさん・Kiyo in Kyoto :kimono: Book Club!

Week 3 14th of October 2023
Start Page 37
End Page 54
Chapters Chapter 2
Pages 18
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舞妓さんちのまかないさん Volume 1 Vocabulary Sheet

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Proper Nouns

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Name Reading Notes
キヨ きよ Main character


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The おばあちゃん that おかあさん talks to in the beauty parlour is hardcore Kansai-ben god damn. Going to need an interpreter, I can kind of divine what she’s saying based on おかあさん’s responses but it’s pretty rough going.

I added a few words to the sheet, but not everything.

Today’s meal looks amazing.

Chapter discussion

After the amazing pillow from chapter 1, now look at this hair straightener :scream:


On page 45, the phrase 毎食っちゅうことになると appears, which I interpret as “When it became the kind of thing we ate every meal, then…” First, is this a correct translation and second, does ちゅう basically mean “kind of thing” or “ish” like っぽい?


I am so envy that you are reading this book! I watched the whole series on NHK three times! I even cooked some of the recipes.

Does the book have recipes too? :yum:

Also, I loved the TV series because of the amount of Kyoto dialect. I just love listening to all of the ス’s on the ends of words.


Yeah, for me it also sometimes feels more like guesswork than understanding :sweat_smile:

Sounds about right. Others should feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, but I usually take ちゅう to be a contraction of と言う so that you get one of the many という variants.

Yes, but they’re handwritten so extra challenging to decipher :smile:

I have a question about page 51

I’m completely lost when it comes to this panel:

Who is speaking and what are they saying?? (both bubbles) :sweat_smile:


I think it’s the ばあさん taking about the house mother whose name is いっちゃん? Sometging like ‘you worked hard and didn’t give up’ (not sure I have the tenses right)


I’m not too sure of that. いち is the name of the house. In a business context, it’s common to refer to an individual from another company as [company name]さん, so it’s possible to refer to her as 市さん. 市っちゃん would then be a more familiar version of that.

Aside from which, perhaps a slight spoiler, but the Japanese Wikipedia article on the series gives her name as 広瀬あずさ.


Wow, had no idea. Thanks - I just took it as her name

Page 51

Okay, so something like this:

あんさん = you (I guess I should have known this one)

きばらな = some conjugation of 気張る - maybe 気張らなければならない?

あきまへんえ = some conjugation of 諦める? maybe 諦めないで? so あきらめ somehow gets turned into あきま?

市っちゃん is her ending the conversation by affectionately calling お母さん by the name of her establishment.


Google says あきまへん (i.e. あきません) is a more formal version of あかん, which is, of course, the Kansai version of ダメ.

So きばらなあきまへんえ = 頑張らなければダメですね = you need to do your best, don’t you?


Thanks! That makes sense :slightly_smiling_face:


The dialect is getting harder to understand :laughing: Kinda takes me back to when reading anything in japanese was more guessing than knowing.

I found Kiyo pretending to have a conversation with her arm way cuter than I probably should. I hope Kiyo appears more often (Not only is she adorable, but also the easiest to understand :sweat_smile:)


So, since the old lady was referred to as 姉さん, can we infer anything about her from that? Was she a former 舞妓さん, for example?

Page 41-42

Unless I got that part completely wrong I interpreted this as キヨ acting out a conversation between herself and the rice bran (the ぬか床) used to ferment the daikon she was preparing.


I understood it as her having a conversation with the rice too

Page 47

Regarding the first panel:


It seems that やないねんから is dialect for じゃないんだから and なんぼなんでも is dialect for いくらなんでも. However, I fail to construct a meaning that makes sense from this information. The best I can manage would be something like “she must want to be a maiko no matter what” but I don’t really have any basis for this other than that it feels kinda fitting for the situation. Any help/hint is appreciated.

Regarding the second panel:


The definition for 上京 in jisho.org is “going (up) to the capital; going to Tokyo​” but going by this article the original meaning is “moving from the countryside to Kyoto” and that the meaning of Tokyo as capital is more recent, so this probably is just a way of saying that Kiyo moved here (to Kyoto) from the countryside?


Rice bran. ぬか床. Though it was with the rice bran, yes, not her arm.

Aye, なんぼなんでも does correlate directly with いくらなんでも, but as that page points out further down, it can also be used to mean どう考えても.

I’d say mostly what’s tripping you up is that the sentence’s main clause is missing. She’s being polite through indirectness, so what she’s actually intending to say is just left hanging.

舞妓ちゃんじゃないんだからどう考えても = If she’s not [working] as a maiko-chan, then surely… [… what’s she doing being the cook at sixteen?] Sort of thing.


Ah, you are right, of course. I shouldn’t reply when I’m tired :sweat_smile: Thanks for correcting me!


I was feeling like the volume was so easy up until this week, then people actually started talking lol. :sweat_smile:


Yeah, these kinds of omissions where the actual content is never uttered always give me a hard time. And layering dialect on top of that doesn’t help… :sweat_smile: