舞妓さんちのまかないさん・Kiyo in Kyoto 👘 (Beginner Book Club) - Week 6

Welcome to Week 6 of the 舞妓さんちのまかないさん・Kiyo in Kyoto :kimono: Book Club!

Week 6 4th of November 2023
Start Page 83
End Page 97
Chapters Chapter 5
Pages 15
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舞妓さんちのまかないさん Volume 1 Vocabulary Sheet

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Please use the chapter page numbers, instead of the volume page numbers. These are located in between the panels!

Proper Nouns

Feel free to add to this as new characters / places get introduced throughout the book.


Name Reading Notes
キヨ きよ Main character
すみれ aka すーちゃん Kiyo’s best friend
健太 けんた Kiyo and Sumire’s childhood friend


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Been trying to work out what おとめ on page 92 means. I mean, I can get the gist from the context, naturally, but exactly what word is this? Was wondering if it was some techinal maiko/geiko term for “someone who tried to be a maiko but couldn’t”, except it’s not showing up on any of the glossaries I’ve found.

Or maybe it’s お+止め or something.

Edit: No wait, I found another glossary.



/edit oh, you found this one too. This page claims it means as the context implies, a dancing master stopping an apprentice maiko from continuing. I can’t speak as to the veracity of the page but it does seem to be one of those “I’m absolutely obsessed with maiko, so I will set up a web page about it” fan pages you get from the early 00s.

The Japanese wiki entry on Maiko-san actually has an explanation attached as well under ‘language used’. So it seems we are not the only people confused


That’s just what Japanese websites tend to look like all the time. :slightly_smiling_face:

Oh, handy. Gonna make sure I check that one first if something’s tripping me up in the future.

The first scene of this chapter gave me big flashbacks to my childhood, where I met the kimono girls with the same old lady on the same kind of scene for the first time :x

Damn the whole speech is super accurate too (youtube source EN).
Need to go look for a Japanese version.


I finally got to reading this week! After all that difficult dialect this week I was a bit hesitant, thinking “I don’t feel ready to tackle this today”, but suddenly I was at the end and had to check that these were actually somehow already 15 pages? :laughing:

Well, know we know. Not in detail, but I guess she has been spacing out a lot, and been deemed not fit to be a maiko. Considering it has been her dream (?) to become a maiko she seemed to take it surprisingly well. She seems pretty content on the sidelines, just admiring (and now actively supporting).

Speaking of, it’s very cute how supportive she is of Suu-chan! To the point where she has to sit out training, but just can’t get over how beautiful Suu-chan is, haha.