耳をすませば (Beginner Book Club) — 〜Extracurricular Reading〜

Welcome to the 耳をすませば Book Club Home Thread!

(This thread’s up way early because I wanted to ensure I put down all the info on releases and page numbers.)

We read this in the Beginner Book Club.

If you’d like to take part, just buy the book and join in the discussion! Be sure to set this thread to “watching” so that you get notified when the club begins and when discussion threads are posted.

Not sure if this is for you? Check out the Nomination Post and view the first 18 pages for free on Book ☆Walker.


Physical: AmazonJP | AmazonJP | CDJapan
Digital: Amazon | Book☆Walker | Kobo | Rakuten

This manga has had a few releases over the years. Any of these releases can be used to read along!
Year Format Cover Notes
1990 Paperback image Original release.

A second volume subtitled 「幸せな時間」 came out six years later which contains a short sequel, as well as the unrelated short story, 「桔梗の咲く頃」.
2005 Paperback Re-release.

This volume includes the short sequel story「幸せな時間」. If you’re buying physical, this will be easier to find.
2014 Digital Digital release.

This does not include the short sequel story「幸せな時間」, which is instead included in the digital release of the second volume of 「バロン 猫の男爵」.
Warning: There are other releases that are not this manga!

Novelization of the story:

Physical release of the animated adaptation as manga:

Digital release of the animated adaptation as manga:

Book about the animated adaptation:

Book about the animated adaptation:

Reading Schedule

Week Start Date Pages No. of Pages Chapter
Week 1 Sep 10 5–30 26 pages Chapter 1 part 1
Week 2 Sep 17 31–54 24 pages Chapter 1 part 2
Week 3 Sep 24 55–77 23 pages Chapter 2 part 1
Week 4 Oct 01 78–97 20 pages Chapter 2 part 2
Week 5 Oct 08 98–118 21 pages Chapter 3 part 1
Week 6 Oct 15 119–138 20 pages Chapter 3 part 2
Week 7 Oct 22 139–158 20 pages Chapter 4 part 1
Week 8 Oct 29 159–180 22 pages Chapter 4 part 2

Note: Page numbers are based on the physical re-release. The digital release only has page numbers on a few pages, so it’s best to use your reader’s built-in page tracker.

If you’re using a digital reader not listed below, let me know what page number is assigned to the first page (Shizuku lying back with a sky background) and I’ll add the schedule here.

Kobo Reading Schedule
Week Start Date Pages No. of Pages Chapter
Week 1 Sep 10 2–27 26 pages Chapter 1 part 1
Week 2 Sep 17 28–51 24 pages Chapter 1 part 2
Week 3 Sep 24 52–74 23 pages Chapter 2 part 1
Week 4 Oct 01 75–97 23 pages Chapter 2 part 2
Week 5 Oct 08 98–115 18 pages Chapter 3 part 1
Week 6 Oct 15 116–135 20 pages Chapter 3 part 2
Week 7 Oct 22 136–155 20 pages Chapter 4 part 1
Week 8 Oct 29 156–177 22 pages Chapter 4 part 2

Vocabulary List

Discussion Rules

  • Please use spoiler tags for major events in the current chapter(s) and any content in future chapters.
  • When asking for help, please mention the chapter and page number. Also mention what version of the book you are reading.
  • Don’t be afraid of asking questions, even if they seem embarrassing at first. All of us are here to learn.
  • To you lurkers out there: Join the conversation, it’s fun!

Member List

Are you planning to read 耳をすませば with the book club?

  • Yes
  • Yes, but I might start late
  • Not sure
  • No

0 voters

If so, which version will you be reading?

  • Paperback (original release)
  • Paperback (re-release)
  • Digital e-book

0 voters

Have you seen Studio Ghibli’s animated film adaptation of this story?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters


You missed the x in your Shadows House link, so the link doesn’t work.


As Shadows House finishes up this week, the start date for our next pick draws near!

September 10th is almost right around the corner.


My less-than-10-euros book is being held hostage at the local customs since the 18th of August :man_facepalming:

Let’s hope for the best!


Here’s hoping!

Normally I suggest using an online free preview in case the book doesn’t arrive in time, but since this is a single-volume story, the online free preview is really short.


WHERE IS TIME GOING? I’m not ready. :sob: :joy: :sob: So many book clubs to catch up to… :sweat_drops:


So, I already marked down that I was doing the digital e-book, but depending on how much of a difference that short story makes, I may want to get a physical copy instead (and just play catch up with the club) – are we intending on reading that short story sequel at all, or just the main release as a club?

If we aren’t reading it, I still would like to know if I am going to be left wanting to read the short story sequel afterwards or whether the manga ends without that being really necessary. Does anyone here have an idea of that?


Since not all releases include the short story, as a Beginner Book Club pick we’ll focus on 耳をすませば alone, which by itself is a complete story.

However, if there is interest afterward, we can always continue on to read 幸せな時間 as a continuation for those who are interested, while the main Beginner Book Club continues on to its next pick.

As for digital versus physical in relation to the short story, depending on cost, another purchase consideration is to buy バロン 猫の男爵(2) specifically for the short story. (But then that might wrap you into buying part one as well, to read the 猫の男爵 story that aligns with Studio Ghibli’s The Cat Returns film.)


I’ve not seen that one, so I’m not totally sure if I would be interested in that series. :stuck_out_tongue: I have some other physical books I need to get imported, anyhow, so that’s why I would consider doing the physical this time. Thank you for letting me know!


At the very least, I do plan to read the short story sometime, so there is that =D


I tried in vain to buy the book for my kobo reader but it won’t let me…I suppose it has to do with my geographical location. Is there any other way to get it in a digital format?

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I’m in the UK and I tried all of them. The only one I could get to work was Bookwalker.


I will try there, thank you

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If your Kobo account is not set with Japan as its region, then you would need to create a new Kobo account with a Japanese-looking address.

If you use a Kobo account for non-Japanese purchases, it can be a hassle juggling two logins, so I definitely second trying out BookWalker.

If you have any issues there, let us know. I’m sure we have something written here in the forums on how to get set up with BookWalker, or else someone might be able to give some pointers.


Just got a notification from the package tracking!
Departure from inward office of exchange


Week one’s thread is up!

Remember, due to chapter length, we’re reading half of chapter one!


Might want to change the title to now reading or such. :slight_smile:


Week two’s thread is up. This brings us through to the end of the first chapter.


We’ve reached the second chapter, which picks up right where the first chapter left off: