老女的少女ひなたちゃん・Little Granny Girl Hinata-chan 👩‍👧 ー Started March 9th (Absolute Beginner Book Club)

Week 8 is up, we’re now onto one chapter a week time. Please share in the thread how you find this pace.


New invite link:

This one should only expire when the server owners cancel it

If this isn’t the correct spot for this question please point me in the right direction!

I’m trying to make an Amazon.JP account for downloading th e-book, however they are requiring a phone number and I don’t have a Japanese phone number. Is there a way around this?

Just found this thread, looks like it is mandatory now :frowning:

see also this one:

You can use any valid Japanese phone number and address. Amazon will not use it.

Voting for the next pick now!


Week 9 thread is up!


Week 10 thread is up!


I just bought the book last night and… now I’m on page 61, oops. I guess maybe I’m not an “absolute beginner” but I can’t say I stopped and looked up every word I didn’t quite understand. As long as I understood the meaning from context, I just kept on going to hopefully let “immersion” do its thing. So the threads are still helpful to back-fill what I don’t know.

I seem to have the most trouble with all the casual exclamation or linking-kind of kana-only language. なんか、だから、そして、that kind of thing. (Can’t actually think of any specific examples off the top of my head now that I’m trying :smiley: ) And I think I will never (exaggeration) internalize how も works in like 誰か・誰も without having to stop reading and think it through.

I was finally able to make an account with Rakuten kobo to get e-books. Amazon’s too smart and knows I’m not in Japan from my US account if I re-use ANY of my email address, mailing address, phone number, credit card… and I don’t want to break my US account. Rakuten doesn’t know anything about me. Also it accepted a (valid) street address and a japanese phone number without any verification. So theoretically one could just look up a hotel anywhere in Japan and take their address and phone number from their web site. Just saying.


I never can wrap my head around the 誰か/も either haha. If anyone has suggestions let us know please :face_with_peeking_eye:

1 Like

Week 11 thread is now up!


There’s a bunch of these か・も・も…ない・でも words. For me the mixup when I started was between 誰か and 誰でも.


誰か = who + か / ?, i.e. there is someone but you don’t know, so usually translate as someone
誰も = who + inclusiveness, so it’s basically “all people” or “everyone”. However, you can negate it with a negative sentence so it would be no people in that case or “noone”
誰でも = who + despite/whatever, i.e. it doesn’t matter specifically who, or “anyone”.

There’s the same for other question words like どこ or 何


Week 12 thread up!

Since this is the penultimate week, it’s probably a good time to ask if people are interested in a followup book club. I’ve already read through the series, so I’m ok either way, but don’t mind facilitating if people want to continue. Normally these offshoot book clubs are a bit more informal than the main book club as to when people read with a thread per volume rather than per week.

If you are going to read past volume 1, it’s probably fair to give a content warning for some of the content in volumes 3 and 4 in particular. Some of you may have noticed the seinen tag on Natively before. These volumes do touch on some heavier content and while it’s mostly implied rather than shown, if you find suicide and child neglect to be offputting topics, be aware they are touched on in later volumes. To be more spoilery:

Future Volume Content Warning Spoilers
  1. We’re given flashbacks from a certain character’s POV of them suffering from the effects of neglect.

  2. In the longer bonus chapter for volume 3, present only in some newer editions, Hinata interrupts a character who you’re strongly led to the conclusion was about to throw themselves off a bridge

Now I’ve possibly scared some of you off continuing by the presence of content warnings, I will market a bit :slight_smile: Chapter 11, the second chapter in volume 2 is still my favourite chapter in the series, having read to the end. I strongly suggest reading at least that far if you enjoyed volume 1, but if you need a more spoilery promotion, click below.

Chapter 11 spoilers

There’s a moment where Hinata realises that Toyo’s legacy is gone, having travelled to the house she had lived in as Toyo to find it overgrown.

Are you interested in an offshoot book club?

  • Yes
  • Np
  • Maybe
0 voters

(I made a typo and it’s too late to edit - Np = No)


Or perhaps “NP” is “no problem”, and when the poll is finished you’re gonna go “it’s unanimous!”. :stuck_out_tongue:


Well don’t decide based on the newbie (me), but in the spirit of giving honest RSVP expectations:

Reading is reading I guess, and I might be tempted to do it just because why not. But it wasn’t my favorite story. The humor kind of fell flat for me every time. Didn’t hate it, didn’t love it. On the other hand, I learned a thing or two every time I read some. In summary: meh. :slight_smile:

* That’s not a criticism - everything doesn’t have to be everyone’s cup of tea.


I’ve answered maybe, but do own volume 2, so I’ll probably read that at least.


The final week is up!

The largest block of votes were maybes, and only one yes vote, so there won’t be a formal offshoot club for this series. With that said, feel free to use this thread to discuss future volumes if you choose to read yourself, but remember your spoiler warnings. It’s not uncommon for people to read past ABBCs so be considerate of future readers.


To be honest, my vote has probably changed from “maybe” to “yes”. I don’t really have a huge amount of brain space but if at least one other person does the same, I would be happy to run an offshoot club for volume 2 then gauge whether we should continue.


I’ve decided that I will run an offshoot for at least volume 2, but due to being in too many current clubs I’m going to have a 2-3 week break. I’ll get a thread up sometime next week.



Link for offshoot club is up!

Not planning to start for a couple of weeks.