老女的少女ひなたちゃん・Little Granny Girl Hinata-chan 👩‍👧 — Week 3 (Absolute Beginners Book Club)

Welcome to the third week of the Little Granny Girl Hinata Chan book club!

Week 3 23rd March 2024
End page 22
End phrase やけどしたらするべ。。。
Pages 8
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Home Thread 老女的少女ひなたちゃん
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  3. Any information from later in the book than the current week’s reading (including trigger warnings that haven’t yet manifested) needs to be hidden by spoiler tags and labeled as coming from later sections.
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  • Be sure to join the conversation! It’s fun, and it’s what keeps these book clubs lively! There’s no such thing as a stupid question! We are all learning here, and if the question has crossed your mind, there’s a very good chance it has crossed somebody else’s also! Asking and answering questions is a great learning opportunity for everyone involved, so never hesitate to do so!

  • For the Bookwalker version of this manga, the page numbers in the panels and the page number in the UI are always 2 apart. If you subtract 2 from the UI page number, this will give you the accurate page number!

Live Readings

Some users are currently in the progress of arranging a time for a live reading. Join the Japanese Book Club Discord to either read or listen!

Proper Nouns

Name Reading Image Notes
日向 ひなた image Main character
文夏 もか image Hinata’s classmate (Note, you’ll often see her name written as モカ)
千春 ちはる image Hinata’s classmate

Discussion Questions

  1. What sentence/passage gave you the most difficulty? Feel free to request some help, or if you figured it out on your own break it down for the rest of us!
  2. What was your favorite new vocab word from this week’s reading?
  3. Was there any passage that you found particularly intriguing? Did it resonate with you (either positively or negatively)? Was it surprising? Offer any insight or new perspective? Was it just beautifully written?
  4. What do you think of the daikon cure?

Dialect Guide

Hinata speaks with a little bit of a Fukushima dialect at times. You’ll see this with ぺ or っぺ replacing the ends of sentences, so e.g. だっぺ instead of だよ or だった。Unfortunately it’s not always the same replacement.


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If you’ve already read this book but are still going to join the discussion, please select “I have finished this part.”

Don’t forget to set this thread to Watching in order to stay abreast of discussion!


This week comes with a small speed bump, which will be continued for our next two chapters, before the last speed bump in week 8 where we move to one chapter a week.


For anyone who’s wondering what’s going on with the earlobe in the last few panels, apparently it’s an old folk remedy in Japan to grab your earlobe if you burn your fingers, supposedly because the earlobe is one of the coolest parts of the body. Running water still feels like it might be a better option to me, though.


Thanks, I wondered about that! I thought it would be some superstitious thing. Glad you already answered my question :smiley:


I have questions about almost every page :sweat_smile: Is it okay to ask fifty million questions from the start?


Sure, it’s what these threads are for :slight_smile:

Page 16

The middle right panel where Moka-chan says 「おばあちゃん気分でひなたぼっこ大好きなんだあ」, what is the ぼっこ part supposed to mean?

Page 17

モカちゃんは悪い子!平気じゃないよ!Keep your mask on!

Page 18

Is Hinata saying her brother died when he was 30 years old? Is that ん short for の like saying 30の時 would be “the time of being 30 years old”?

For the second half, so far I’ve got おめぇ死んだらどーすんだ!!! = お前死んだらどうすんだ!!! = If you die, [presumably something bad]. What is that どーすんだ supposed to be?

Page 19

In the top right panel, is that どーすっぺ the same phrase as the どーすんだ from before?

Middle panel, the vocab sheet says 騙す is to trick/deceive, but I don’t think it makes sense for Hinata to be saying she thinks drinking the daikon cure is a trick because she made it because she thinks it works? Or is this meant to be more of a trick in the sense of like a magic trick, but it’s a cold banishing trick?

Page 20

Trying to decipher the daikon recipe.

What are we doing to the water in 水っぽくなったら?

If 火に通すのは is the topic, what is that の up to?

Is the ねー in よくねーけど a word, or is it ending particle ね and then Hinata decided to continue the sentence?

飲むのも again with the の before a particle? help?

What’s うめーんだ?

This section as I understand it so far:

take out the daikon broth, something about water. The broth is being spoke about, it’s an effective medicine for a sore throat. Passing something through a fire, (literally pass it through, or keep it there?), something. Heat hot water until something dissolves and then drink is also something.

Page 21

Top panel, why does Moka call Hinata a grandma from “somewhere”? And why does she quote Hinata’s name before calling her that?


One small note on the frequency sheet: I believe that line 11 (のける)might be actually the occurrences of のけ as ending particles instead of the verb 退()ける. If anyone can confirm, please so do.

1 Like

It’s 日向ぼっこ. So, not actually her name. Sneaky.


Oh, I know, right? This manga is teaching the kids bad practices.



I interpreted it as どうするか, but even if it’s not that, it’s something like it.


Reckon so.

The whole thing is an expression. 騙されたと思って = trust me and …; just take my word for it and …


It’s 水+っぽいなる+~たら.

Basically, after the daikon’s been sitting in the honey for a while, the water that’s stored in the daikon emerges, and the resulting solution is much thinner than straight honey. I’ll post a video at the bottom.

It’s a nominaliser - turns 火に通す from a verb phrase into a noun phrase. It’s necessary if you want to use a verb phrase as a topic (or subject, or object, or a number of other grammar formations).

It’s ない. よくないけど

Same as above.



Given her dialect, she’s clearly not from here. :slightly_smiling_face:

って can also function as the topic particle は in casual usage.


Yeah, it’s のか, as in particle の plus particle か.


Beautiful. Thank you!

Also, big shout out to whoever added notes to the vocab. You’re the real MVP!


Well, uh… that was me, too. :stuck_out_tongue:



Pg 19 (physical) last frame

What is the function of っと in

EDIT: according to ChatGPT, it’s a colloquial version of て – that seems right :slight_smile:



Hey there,
The reading didn’t happen on Sunday, but I will be on discord reading it on Monday around 9pm PST.
If you think you’ll be there, leave a message so I know if I should wait for anyone!


We read week 3’s pages tonight.
Week 4 is Easter Sunday and we’re trying to find out who will be there etc.
In case anyone doesn’t see the discussion on Discord.


This looks cute. I might join in on reading this.


Alright, read the first chapter and with help of jisho and the english version in another tab I got the gist.
Verbs with long tails of grammar stuff are problematic to me, and that Hinata has a dialect might not be ideal for a beginner. But it’s doable so far.

~に会ったことあったっけ is quite a mouthful and the english version just translates it as

have you met ~


break this up:




“thing has happened”


This is sort if a “if I remember correctly”

So a super literal translation is “having met them is a thing that happened, if I recall correctly”

Since this is a horrifically verbose sentence in English, the English version goes with “have you met”


Just to break it down a bit more :slightly_smiling_face:

ことがある is a grammar point that just means like, have done. Literally, こと is ‘thing’ and ある is ‘to be,’ so it translates as ‘have done the thing of [blank]’ with the format [blank] ことがある

Here, it’s に合った (have met) + こと [が] あった so, ‘did the thing of having met.’ It translates very badly in English but you will see this structure a ton in Japanese.

日本に行ったことがあるか = Have you done the thing of having gone to Japan? = Have you gone to Japan?