老女的少女ひなたちゃん・Little Granny Girl Hinata-chan 👩‍👧 — Week 4 (Absolute Beginners Book Club)

Welcome to the fourth week of the Little Granny Girl Hinata Chan book club!

Week 4 30th March 2024
End page 31
End phrase 童心に帰るってやつだぺ
Pages 9
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Home Thread 老女的少女ひなたちゃん
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Live Readings

Some users are currently in the progress of arranging a time for a live reading. Join the Japanese Book Club Discord to either read or listen!

Proper Nouns

Name Reading Image Notes
日向 ひなた image Main character
文夏 もか image Hinata’s classmate (Note, you’ll often see her name written as モカ)
千春 ちはる image Hinata’s classmate

Discussion Questions

  1. What sentence/passage gave you the most difficulty? Feel free to request some help, or if you figured it out on your own break it down for the rest of us!
  2. What was your favorite new vocab word from this week’s reading?
  3. Was there any passage that you found particularly intriguing? Did it resonate with you (either positively or negatively)? Was it surprising? Offer any insight or new perspective? Was it just beautifully written?
  4. What do you think of the sandcastle contest?

Dialect Guide

Hinata speaks with a little bit of a Fukushima dialect at times. You’ll see this with ぺ or っぺ replacing the ends of sentences, so e.g. だっぺ instead of だよ or だった。Unfortunately it’s not always the same replacement.


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Page 26 - ノイシュバンシュタイン城


This panel tripped me up the first time. The katakana phrase is actually… German.

Specifically Chiharu is building this castle: Neuschwanstein Castle - Wikipedia


Was just coming to post that link. Now try saying ノイシュバンシュタイン five times quickly.

Page 26, though, is pointing really so rude as to warrant a full-armed slap? I feel like Hinata is getting far too angry here.


After strungeling with week 3 quite a bit I really enjoyed this weeks reading :smile:

Just reading it was a struggle for me. After I had google read it to me, it didn’t sound that complicated. But I would never have thought of the way to read it myself, let alone the translation :sweat_smile:

I thought so myself. But since politeness is valued much more highly in Japan than elsewhere, perhaps that could explain her “over the top” reaction? Or maybe she is just really annoyed because she has to keep saying it to 千春 (if I understood that correctly on p. 27)?


That is definitely a mouthful! But I still struggle to say マクドナルド :smiley:


Wait what :rofl: How can that mean McDonalds :rofl: :sweat_smile:

Page 24

Bottom left panel, the heck is going on with 苦手もないもこりゃ湿布食ってるみてぇだ ?

Page 25

Similar to the previous question, 湿布食うって発想はなかっぺよ, I think it’s the 湿布食う part in particular in both sentences is weird?

Also, in the last panel there’s 呼んでる but 呼ぶ was not in the vocab sheet. Should I just put it in?

Page 24

Dunno if you misread or mistyped, but it’s 下手もなも. Kotobank defines the ~もなにも structure as 事態や程度をより以上に強調する場合に用いる。= Used to emphasise a situation or degree to a greater amount. (It’s not in the grammar dictionary, but I feel like it ought to be.)

こりゃ = slangy これは
みてぇ = slangy みたい

Is that enough to piece it together or do you require more clarification?

Page 25

It’s just 湿布を食う without the を.

If you like.

p. 24

omg, thanks! I tried to look it up and of course found nothing. It’s so hard to recognize slang for a beginner.


This scene reminded me so much of my own grandma, she would have reacted like this too, for pointing a finger. It’s rude in Germany, too. And I was scolded so many times as a child. We say “don’t point your naked finger at clothed people”.

I really wish Hinata will grow out of trying to educate her fellow school mates. I want more random granny wisdom, homemade remedies and anachronisms. :slight_smile:


That helps with the first clause of the sentence. Basically that bit is her saying “Not just that it isn’t my favourite, I really really don’t like this.” I think.

Even after looking up what each 湿布 translation means, I’m still kinda shaky at what the metaphor is supposed to be. (At least I now know it’s a metaphorical bit)


Basically, it tastes like medicine to her. Or more to the point, an externally-applied medicine.


Thank you, it makes so much more sense now that I know the answer that I feel a little silly for struggling to make the connection :sweat_smile:


I thought about that saying as well. But I think no one ever reacted that strongly when I was a child. But it seems I was just lucky :yum:

The new series “granny wisdom with Hinata” :wink: Would totally enjoy that too!


The good news is, as with all things in learning Japanese, it gets easier over time. As you see it over and over, as so long as you keep aware of what it “translates” into as non-slang Japanese, it becomes easier to recognize.

Although for me, some take longer than others to get a grasp on…


Wait I thought this was about the 食感(しょっかん). Basically that it felt like chewing on pain relief patches or something.

Wow those kids are talented :open_mouth: I did NOT expect more than a lump of sand.


She’s been talking about the flavour of it for the entire page, and 食感 doesn’t come up, sooo…

Though, I could have sworn I saw the word 食感 in one of the readings I did this week. Which one was it?

Also, given she’s such a stereotypical granny, I’m willing to bet the 湿布 in question is some kind of home-made remedy rather than the store-bought stuff you can get these days. :slightly_smiling_face:


I spend a good minute reading that aloud before I checked the vocab sheet! Really got stuck there ha.

Overall this week’s section felt a bit easier to read through than the last one, enjoying it so far!

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Yes you’ve got a point there. I didn’t know how to say 食感 in English. Mouth-feel? Texture?

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