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I’m reading along
I had already finished this part before the thread was posted
Hopefully I was able to continue reading a little bit today only to find this extremely sad story about Haru omg. I needed to wipe my tears while reading losing your parents in such a horrible way must be really devastating, it touched a nerve for me
Yeah. And now we know why the auntie in the shopping mall was so worried about him in chapter 1: he’s living alone after an extremely traumatic event that happened only a year ago.
So I haven’t really being reading along as it went due to my (slightly prolonged) break, but I’ve now read up to where the club is so will follow along for the rest of the club now.
I am also now caught up after an unintentional break. Wasn’t expecting this chapter to get sad, but it’s nice to see some background for why he’s alone.
おじちゃんまで is like “Even you, おじちゃん?” Like when Caesar said “et tu, Brutus?”. He’s remarking with exasperation that おじちゃん is joining in on the talk of him dating Tamamo.
In Caesar’s case, it was probably more like betrayal than exasperation, so maybe it’s not that similar
Not sure I understand this sentence「俺たちがサポートしてるとはいえちゃんと喪主を務めているぞ」
Maybe it’s because I’m unfamiliar with 喪主, but I also don’t understand はいえ in the middle of the sentence so maybe I’m just globally confused ^^;
とはいえ is “though, although (I admit that), be that as it may, nonetheless”. So he’s saying that even though “俺たちがサポートしてる”, it’s still true that (Haru is) “ちゃんと喪主を務めているぞ”.
He’s saying that even if they are helping him (and he’s not doing all of it by himself), it’s still a fact that Haru is doing an excellent job of being the chief mourner (implying that this seems to be admirable, so it’s probably something hard and not easily expected of a teenager who just lost his parents).
I also don’t know exactly what a chief mourner (喪主) is, but from my brief research it seems something like the host of funeral. I assume they have a lot of duties, especially considering that the old guy you quoted the sentence from seems to be impressed.