@Naphthalene I just finished chapter 3 of book 2, and this line cracked me up. Very much how we all felt finishing book 1 I think.
契約魔術? そう聞こえた気がするんですけど。 あれ? ここってファンタジーな世界でしたっけ?
The only problem with reading ahead is that I’ll miss out on a lot of the week to week discussions, since I won’t remember all these details by the time the weekly threads are created. Oh well.
Please forgive this self-indulgent post. When probably my favorite manga right now, ふしぎの国のバード, touched on a theme of the book I’m reading and very much enjoying, 本好きの下剋上 (2), it made me happy.
Spoilers for a chapter from ふしぎの国のバード volume 6, and for the very general theme of 本好きの下剋上 (2) up to 50% (since past that I haven’t read).
The other thing is, in one of my Japanese classes at school, we spent quite a few weeks exhausting the theme of 和紙, so as soon as I saw the above panel my brain went I KNOW WHERE THIS IS GOING! In class we had to be able to write the steps out for how to make it (notably a couple years later I have forgotten everything about the process, but hey I can read Japanese so I guess something worked) and a prescribed list of just what makes 和紙 so uniquely incredible (light sarcasm with affection), so seeing 水に強い gave me intense flashbacks, lol.
I was trying to match what was going on in the manga to what goes on in マイン’s and ルッツ’s process in the book (though I feel like マイン would kill for these materials and this setup). Most of the words used in the manga were different, and I’m not good at picturing stuff like this when reading the book, but between the two sets of words and the manga’s pictures, plus the dregs of memories from school, I think I got most of it.
Looking forward to reading more of both of these things!
Well, we have a majority of “no break”, so let’s just go with that.
I chose to leave the image of the home thread as is, but update the image in the discussion thread.
The main reason is that, for further volumes, the covers contain tons of spoilers.
Without further ado, here’s this week thread. Finally on our way to make paper.
I’ve finished reading through chapter 12 of book 2 (about 48%), and I’m really liking it so far. It’s been several days since I’ve gone through my kindle highlights to add words to Kitsun though, so I’m very far behind (apparently I have 189 outstanding highlights). I’ve been reading an average of one chapter per day, which I’m pretty happy with, and my goal is to finish by November 17th so I can read Rhythm of War on release day!
I have one small question. It’s just asking for a kanji/word reading, so it’s not much of a spoiler, but I’m going to put it in spoiler tags just for those who are really averse to knowing absolutely anything about the book.
How do you read 小銅貨・小銀貨・大銅貨・大銀貨, etc? I’m not sure how the 小 and 大 prefixes are supposed to be read here.
A character from volume 13+ speaks in a childlike fashion, which is transcribed as them speaking in full hiragana (enjoy). So I know for sure that it’s だいきんか. You can do the same for the other types. Somehow I feel I have seen a character stumble on their word, giving me こ for 小金貨 but I think it should be しょう. Similarly, ちゅう for 中銅貨
Well, I’m certain for だい. しょう is the reading given by the furigana in a different series (but I assume reading would be the same in general). ちゅう just makes sense to match the rest.
I finished the epilogue of book 2 yesterday. All that’s left is the bonus chapters. I’ll probably start book 3 by December and aim to finish it by end of year.
Umm, I’m much more invested in Stormlight Archive, and book 4 is coming on on November 17th. That book is 1200+ pages and dense, so even in English it’ll take me 1.5-2 weeks.
Bought the first book maybe half a year ago but so far I have too many other English and Japanese books on my to-read list. I’m excited but hesitant to start it since it’s such a massive undertaking. Tried reading Mistborn, but couldn’t really get into it. Hoping Stormlight is different.