本好きの下剋上: Volume 2, Week 3 discussion

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Week 13

Start Date: November 7th
Previous week: Week 12
Next: Week 14


Chapters 5-6 (ルッツの最重要任務, 材料&道具の発注) (33 pages/ 8%)

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I’ll just comment here since I just finished last week’s section; it’s nice that ルッツ has caught on that マイン is no normal 6 y/o.


finally. As I mentioned previously, I would have called the exorcist on day 3… (when she tried to look around the house for books and ended up crying like crazy when she realized there was none)

This week content

The story is getting faster and faster. I love how Lutz just laughs at Mayne because she has been banned to go alone to the shop.
I just had a question. What was the problem with 叩く wood? She had to redo the order because of what she was gonna do with it.
「叩くための台もいるんだ。」 I’m not sure I got what was the problem. She ordered a set of sticks and 台.
The other question I had was about when Mayne asks Lutz to go search the good wood just after what I was talking about. I wanted to be sure to be 親方 Couldn’t have the tree she wanted so he asked her to look around and since she knew nothing about them she asked Lutz right?
Lots of small details little specific vocabulary that makes the understanding more difficult but other than that it’s good.

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Hm, I do not remember exactly but


About the hitting board, it’s just that she didn’t want think about it, so she had to hurriedly place an order.
She did ask about soft wood with long fibers, but was told (obviously) that they don’t carry that kind of wood there (since you can’t build stuff with it). Instead she asked about the names of the trees, hoping ルッツ would know them.

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I’m not sure I understand your question, but if you are asking about directly taking the fibers, it’s impossible as they would be damaged and unusable. The whole process is about taking the fibers while keeping them as intact as possible.
Here’s a link with picture showing how paper is made. Hopefully it helps.

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Someone also posted this video of how to make 和紙 in the week 1 thread.