Love Floflo, but it’s not as easy to look up a word by page number if I want to refresh my memory… Plus I doubt I’ll be learning the 1000+ words I don’t know before we start, so I’m going to focus on high repetition words and would still use a spreadsheet for words I come accross while reading. Thanks for asking!
When we read 魔女の宅急便, it was really interesting that at the beginning of the book 10 pages per week was really hard, but by the end of the book it was really easy. For this reason, my proposed schedules accelerate the amount read throughout the book.
Page counts are approximate, but I tried to represent the pages of actual content, not including pictures. Both proposed schedules include three “ease-in” weeks where only one chapter is read per week (~5 pages per week), to help acclimate people who aren’t used to reading books. After week three, two chapters will be read per week (~10 pages per week). The slower schedule does this to the end of the book, while the faster schedule switches to three chapters per week (~15 pages per week) later on.
Proposed Slower Schedule
Page Count
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
夢と現実のあいだ きのうやった問題
Week 5
くるった火曜日 今夜まで待て!
Week 6
パジャマを着ていた そのとき暴走トラックが……
Week 7
見つけた、”相談相手” 時間を跳躍すること
Week 8
四日前のあの現場へ 夜さまよう町かど
Week 9
きのうへの旅、おとといへの旅 ふたたび現場にきた
Week 10
侵入者はだれか? 未来からきた少年
Week 11
西暦二六六〇年 意外な告白
Week 12
未来人・現代人 その名はケン・ソゴル
Week 13
消された記憶 いつか会う人
Proposed Faster Schedule
Page Count
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
夢と現実のあいだ きのうやった問題
Week 5
くるった火曜日 今夜まで待て!
Week 6
パジャマを着ていた そのとき暴走トラックが……
Week 7
見つけた、”相談相手” 時間を跳躍すること
Week 8
四日前のあの現場へ 夜さまよう町かど きのうへの旅、おとといへの旅
Week 9
ふたたび現場にきた 侵入者はだれか? 未来からきた少年
Week 10
西暦二六六〇年 意外な告白 未来人・現代人
Week 11
その名はケン・ソゴル 消された記憶 いつか会う人
What are your thoughts on these schedules?
Commit to the slower schedule (no adjustments later)
Commit to the faster schedule (no adjustments later)
Commit to the slower schedule for now, but vote on changing to the faster schedule later
This is my first time participating in this Beginner book club (I finally feel as confident in my vocabulary/kanji as in my grammar comprehension).
I joined FloFlo and started going through the vocabulary lists, but haven’t really read much of the book yet beyond the first 7-9 pages.
Floflo doesn’t seem to be working for me (in terms of being useful). There’s quite a few kanji and vocabulary I don’t know, but I’m a bit lost on how to optimize my use of FloFlo.
Maybe I should be looking in the other thread, but any tips for new book club members?
This is our first time reading a book that’s available on FloFlo, so I imagine it will be a new experience for all of us! What exactly are you finding isn’t ‘working’ for you?
Also, I haven’t even bought the book yet, so you’re way ahead of me there
Ahh okay! I didn’t realize that this was the first time the beginner club was using FloFlo as well. I’ll just wait until we get the ball rolling with the story; then re-evaluate using FloFlo or not.
The power of eReading! My book came in the mail almost instantly, and for like $3
Managed to pick up a physical copy for £6 on Amazon which should hopefully arrive in time! I’m interested to see whether I work better with a physical book than I do with a digital one (and I’ve wanted to read this ever since I saw the movie like a decade ago, so I’m quite excited!)
Hey, I’m trying to login to the japanese amazon site, but it says the password is wrong. I’m using the same password that I login in with to the USA site, I don’t understand why i can’t login. I tried to open a new user, but it says I have one already.
any one have an idea?
Hmm. You have to have different account for the different Amazons, so the fact that it says you have one already makes me think you must have set up an account in the past, but using a different password from your US one?
ok, I opened a new account, and I get this message when I enter the screen to buy the ebook:
I think they want me to activate 1-click option, right? I activate it in the account setting, under “1-Click 設定” but it still show me this message.
any help?
You need to change you address to a Japanese one, otherwise it won’t let you buy ebooks.
Here’s a very useful guide from one of our users on how to do this (side note: I think you can change language to English now, so it can make things easier, if you’re lost in all that Japanese )
thanks! I didn’t notice I could change it to english!
Now I see that it says the ebook version is not avialible, yet in japanese it says something with 1-click…
I can only see the paperback option, it suppose to have a ebook version, no?
The only way I could get Amazon JP to let me buy ebooks was to register a Japanese postage address on there - this was a while back though, and I switched to ebooksjapan as Amazon just wasn’t as easy to use (getting the kindle app to work on my phone is impossible!!)
I got the address from one of those postage services, where you register to be able to buy goods from Japan from places which don’t normally ship outside of Japan, and you pay postage fees to them whenever you buy something. Haven’t needed to actually use it for posting stuff yet, as since then everywhere I’ve needed to shop ships to the UK pretty reasonably!!