当 is not correct?

So I was thinking “Why are there so many ways of saying the same thing?”
and found that 当 and 正 read as “Correct” and i end up searching them to learn, well, 当 doesn’t mean correct at all. But WK (1) says it does while Tangorin (2) and Jisho (3) say it does.
Is this an error? It worries me. Do i have to QC all the items (i don’t think so really. :)) or is there something else i’m unaware of.

Also why does 人 rendakku to じん when in the front so often? Or is that something else I don’t know as well.
I need, maybe, a resource that can be an answer to these things but aren’t a course or something.

Or an etamology site… ok i’m rambling.
Thanks :slight_smile:

(1) WaniKani / Kanji / 当

(2) 当 - Kanji - Japanese Dictionary Tangorin

(3) 当 - Jisho.org

Don’t Tangorin and Jisho both use the same databases to populate their content?

In any case, they both include “right” as a meaning. Which is effectively the same in this context as “correct.”


That’s not rendaku. じん is just one of the readings of 人, and しん is not one of its readings.


Since Leebo already answered the context, let me just link:



Because over the hundreds of years in the evolution of a particular language, people come up with different ways of expressing similar concepts. English has a ton of synonyms itself. Take a gander at a thesaurus for the English word correct. For each shade of meaning, there are many multiple synonyms.


Thanks all. It was all totally obvious and I really shouldn’t be posting in the middle of night with only half a brain functioning! HAH :slight_smile:

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Oh don’t worry, @bladepoint does it all the time.


I’ll have you know I post with half a brain during the day, too


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