So I was thinking “Why are there so many ways of saying the same thing?”
and found that 当 and 正 read as “Correct” and i end up searching them to learn, well, 当 doesn’t mean correct at all. But WK (1) says it does while Tangorin (2) and Jisho (3) say it does.
Is this an error? It worries me. Do i have to QC all the items (i don’t think so really. :)) or is there something else i’m unaware of.
Also why does 人 rendakku to じん when in the front so often? Or is that something else I don’t know as well.
I need, maybe, a resource that can be an answer to these things but aren’t a course or something.
Because over the hundreds of years in the evolution of a particular language, people come up with different ways of expressing similar concepts. English has a ton of synonyms itself. Take a gander at a thesaurus for the English word correct. For each shade of meaning, there are many multiple synonyms.