Just in general I don’t understand why if WK wants an On’yomi and you write a Kun’yomi it gives you a gentle reminder, but in the opposite case you’re just wrong. Is this all part of the master plan that will pay off down the line?
If you’re reviewing a kanji and you enter on or kun reading that WK didn’t teach you with that item, then it will shake and ask for the other one since what you entered is correct, just not what they’re asking for. If you’re reviewing a vocab item (I suppose you’re talking about single kanji vocab) there’s only one possible answer so even if the reading you enter is acceptable for the kanji it doesn’t correspond to the vocab, that’s why it’s wrong. Pay attention to the background color (pink: kanji, purple:vocab) and whether it says kanji reading/vocab reading.
Yeah, I guess I tentatively understand that. In that case I suppose it’s reflective of the disjointed way I’ve been learning kanji up until now. When I see 生 alone my brain doesn’t automatically say nama (unless it’s on a beer sign!).
Just wait till しょう starts popping up!
It takes time and practice. When I was reading earlier today I had to keep telling myself that 石 was いし, not せき.
I literally just learned せき. Thought the mnemonic was pretty funny.
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